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Bioweapons: The Russian View. (The corporate media is only presenting the Ukranian/US view) Let's see what the Russians are saying. We should be skeptical in all matters, not just religious ones:


Krish55 8 Mar 12
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I'll argue that the bio labs became a issue recently because the US knew they were going to be exposed by the Russian government. Yesterday RT started playing a documentary (Death Factory) on the subject beginning in mid 1900's where Japan was using Chinese and Russian's as lab rats. It was a heinous conducted project by Unit 731. This project was taking place in what is now Northeast China under Japanese control at the time. Eyewitness accounts and interviews of people involved are in the documentary. Story short, the US took over the project after the Japanese surrender. The documentary goes into the Pentagon use of bio labs around the world. I took the liberty of picking out a couple pertinent moments from the documentary. Fair warning! Very graphic photos and speak within that can be disturbing if you watch the entire documentary. I strongly encourage you do so. Other links also provided.

For the many indoctrinated into your false reality of propaganda, propaganda comes from all sides. Propaganda is merely the formation of information to educate ourselves with. If you only observe propaganda from one side you're placing yourself within the potential of being a fool who believes in a perception that has been purposefully designed to manage what you know. Especially with this Ukraine issue now, many of you are purposely being managed to support a large sense of fascism and genocide. And this is primarily due to information being suppressed from you and how they've managed to persuade you from seeking it within dis/misinformation about alternative sources. If you're in this group and can't understand this, you need to stick to the delusional reality of the Politics page, and or the group owner needs to do a better job of expressing this or change the name of the group. With all the flack Krish is taking the name is an oxymoron as he's obviously being attacked by closed minds. Where many of you need to delete the free thinker off your profiles. You can't possibly be free thinkers if you refuse to observe views that oppose your developed opinions. It's our political responsibility to educate ourselves to a point we can decipher all sides of a story to unite as an intellectual society. We can't achieve that when a large part of us are stuck in a state of biased propaganda serving and benefiting the few who dictate an agenda against us.

I imagine many here were NOT Trump supporters? How many of you actually know how long the Ukraine war has been waging? How it was manufactured? How fascist played a large role in it? How some of Trump's supporters went to Ukraine to train with their fascist military? How they have been waging a war since 2014 against innocent civilians. Is it really that hard for you to imagine you've been mislead by an Obama and Biden administration and now Biden again with the knowledge we know about our governments past history!?! Or you just can't face the side you support has been screwing us all along? The vast majority of the MSCM information is false and misleading. Eventually the truths will come out. They are out there now for you to discover. How will you feel when you realize you've been Iraqed again? Or if this war goes into our families being sent to again be essentially murdered for their lies again. This time by a democratic government. Marx teachings tell us capitalisms failures always leads to fascism. My fellow world citizens, our governments are leading us straight towards that ending result for the benefit of the ruling class who own all our politicians and the 6 MSCM's that control 90% of the information being thrown at you. Many of you have been conned into supporting it within Ukraine off our labor. How do you, or will you live with that when that cat craws out of your bag? We're essentially looking at another WWll event where fascist criminals will be given a pass on their crimes. Do you want them coming here to unite with the likes of Trump supporters and the groups who manipulate them into servitude. Some of you seemingly already have been?

Marks of concern---(18) (30-44:40) at leasts 13 known labs in Ukraine being exposed is why we're now seeing a damage control media going on. Kharkov region with strange and sever flu epidemic outbreaks!?! Flu modification, many dieing from pneumonia.

Death Factories
Japan's secret Unit 731 – where biological warfare was conceived.

In December 1949, 12 members of Japan's Kwantung Army faced trial in Khabarovsk for the atrocities they'd committed while developing biological weapons and testing them on prisoners of war. But Shiro Ishii, the head of the unit, never faced the tribunal. Instead, he was offered immunity and taken to the US, where he masterminded biological warfare during the Korean War. Until today, the US continues developing biological weapons in its dual-purpose labs, like the Lugar Laboratory in Georgia, and multiple facilities in Ukraine, whose activities have been causing alarm. Shiro Ishii's successors allegedly continue their experiments on human subjects.




Thank you, William_Mary!


HUGE difference between bio research facility and bio weapons. Sputnik is an organ of the Russian state, I would no more trust them than I would CIA press release for foreign dissemination.

glennlab Level 10 Mar 12, 2022

The US story keeps changing:

@Krish55 This is SOP for the Russian/Soviets set up a strawman then use him to justify your actions. You need to stop going to sputnick for your news, This is an opinion piece, with an extreme right wing bias.

@glennlab Greenwald is not a right-winger. What did he say that was incorrect?


Dude.....if I want the "Russian View" I'll watch Fucker Carlson. He's Putin dick sucker and gets his info Direct from the sauce, um Source..
You really need a Fux News intervention..your need to spout Kremlin news is, obvious a negative influence..keep digging..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 12, 2022

It's simply a matter of hearing both sides.

@Krish55 funny you seem to be a Puti fan..the gobshite you've been laying down is enough to make a cow with diarrhea jealous..

@Charlene You realize that invective is a substitute for facts and reason?

@Krish55 as is propaganda, from a Dicktator that took 58 pointless minutes to come up with lame excuses to Invade another Country.. seriously..fifty e.i.g.h.t looong minutes to say Zelensky (a jew btw) is a Nazi..apparently when the population tosses out a Puti puppet, he takes umbrage..and destroys an entire country..oh wait he did that in Chechnya as well, and used gas..but yeah, by all means, let's give him the benefit of doubt..

@Charlene The Ukrainian president that the US had thrown out was democratically elected.

@Krish55 Petro Parachenko was elected Democratically, he was also Removed from office Democratically in 2019.. It was revealed in the Panama Papers the he had Not sold off his holdings in his confectionary company as promised, but Had moved them to a Holding Company in The B.V.I..We here in the should be so demanding of Our political leaders..


According to, Sputnik news is considered a highly questionable source with a right wing bias. Since Vladimir Putin has shut down any news agency that might be critical of his behavior, the remaining Russian media is essentially a propaganda platform.

Propaganda means one-sided. Doesn't necessarity mean inaccurate. We are only getting one side of the propaganda battle. We need to get the other.

@Krish55 you mean only Puti's side..after all He's shutdown all independent news outlets..hell even "State TV News" called the invasion disastrous for Russia..bit hey you just keep on suckling on Puti's tit..

@Charlene As I said before, Let's read both sides. Reading allows bettter independent that watching TV, which triggers the emotions and can be manipulative. But since you watch, listen to this calm analysis:

@Krish55 ahhhh.yes let's roll out the Russian Perspective via State news agencies..that a awesome way to prove your point..🤣🤣🤣

@Charlene He is an American. A former officer in the Air Force. Teaches at Chicago U.

@Krish55 You sound like the ultra conservative who demands a “fair and balanced“ news presentation, even in the face of a discredited and ‘unbalanced’ opposition. Like the Creationist who confronted Richard Dawkins imploring the esteemed evolutionary biologist to “teach the controversy.” “What controversy?” demanded Dawkins.

Sometimes the facts are such that an equal hearing is completely unwarranted, and foolish. For example, do you want to give flat Earthers or 911 conspiracy mongers an equal platform? Should we give racists and KKK members a platform for them to vomit and spew their vile hatred?

Are there really new facts or scientific data to consider regarding a flat earth? Do you have new facts for all of us to consider regarding the moral and ethical requirement that demanded of Vladimir Putin invade Ukraine and in so doing, indiscriminately shell non-military targets like hospitals, libraries, churches, mosques and cultural institutions? Not even the Nazis, when given the opportunity late in Word War II, to destroy the famous Ponte Vecchio (old bridge) in Florence, Italy, would give the order. If Hitler’s forces could respect and abstain from cultural destruction, why not Vladimir Putin?

From the footage we are seeing it is clear that Putin is waging a war against noncombatants and non-military targets. He’s allowed his troops to fire indiscriminately, much like Hitler lobbed his crude V-1 and V-2 rockets into London. This is an act of a terrorist!

I am not defending the conduct of the war but pointing to causes of the war that go deeper and longer that Putin's rule.
And given the shifting stories and hurried hiding of material, I think it is possible the US was developing bioweapons. Look at Nuland's halting response:

@Krish55 The majority of Ukrainians were always hoping to avoid a conflict with Russia. Ukraine did not seek this. Whatever “deeper” differences you’re referring to need to be accurately stated, and placed in context.

The simple fact is Putin longs for the glory days of the Soviet Union, was distraught over its break up in the early 90s, and now seeks a larger Russian empire. In a major speech just prior to the invasion he made the claim that Ukraine is not a real country. He’s no different than Hitler in this regard, and any attempt to justify his actions only serves to demonstrate one of two things: either an unwillingness to recognize Vladimir Putin for who and what he is or a Russian troll.

I agree that Putin in not a nice person. But political sceintists go beyond personalities to look at deeper state issues when dealing with international conflict. Focusing on personaities is superficial and misleading. Even before Putin these experts here like Kissinger took that approach and warned that NATO expansion would bring war:

@Krish55 To assert, as you’ve done here, that focusing on Vladimir Putin is somehow superficial, is indicative of either a naïve person or a complete Russian sellout, and “agnostic” phony / Russian troll. Your insistence that personalities should be secondary, when the leader of a country is a dictator and his personality is reflected in the behavior of his country, is evidence of your bias or incompetence as an observer of political science.

@p-nullifidian Russia has the same legitimate interests which predate and will post-date Putin.

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