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Rep Adam Kinzinger Sets Off Tweet Storm by Calling Trump Soft and Coddled

Rep Adam Kinzinger (R-Il) set off a huge tweetstorm this week, by making fun of Donald Trump's obsession with “manliness." In his tweet, Kinzinger described Trump as being “the most soft, coddled person I’ve met,” adding that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is only 5’7’, but is “three times the man” Trump will ever be.

So, Trump wants us to think he’s a tough guy, eh? Why, who knew being loud, obnoxious, and self-pitying was a sign of strength? Hell, then with all his name-calling and whining about how badly he’s treated, Trump must be “super masculine.” Well, at least to his base of half-wits and simpletons anyway. I mean, these folks look to Trump as their “The Great White Hope.” Unfortunately, what they’re really getting is “The Great White Dope.”

I mean, who knew tough guys wear orange pancake makeup along with a professionally coiffed combover, shit on gold-plated toilets, are as soft and pudgy as the Pillsbury Doughboy, dance like they’re having a stroke, and can’t even make it down a short ramp without someone holding their hand? Hell, I say Granny Clampett’s way tougher than Trump will ever be - and she’s dead.

Why, the only “sport” Trump will even consider playing is golf. The funny thing is, golf is a game where you’re basically playing against yourself - and he even cheats at that. And even then, he has to have someone haul his big ass around the course in an electric cart. Seems all that walking can really tire a morbidly obese trust fund baby out pretty fast!

Of course, his defenders will quickly point out that Donald Trump is every bit as masculine as Texas Senator Ted Cruz, and I have to admit that would be pretty damn hard to argue with that. Not to mention that Trump has the distinction of being the “tallest man” to ever have been diagnosed with a “Napoleon Complex.” Sadly, it turns out Napoleon had much bigger hands, though.

The truth is, not a single person in the Trump family has ever even served in the military. That goes back five generations, two world wars, and over 150 years. Hell, the closest thing to war experience Trump ever had, was trying to avoid catching sexually transmitted diseases, and they don’t give out ribbons for that. Of course, the real truth is, Trump is simply a weakling’s idea of a strong man, and a moron’s idea of a smart man.

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johnnyrobish 8 Mar 13
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Generations of Grifters

bobwjr Level 10 Mar 13, 2022

"...Granny Clampett....", I spit my coffee!

AnneWimsey Level 9 Mar 13, 2022

The pre nup for Tiffany says that if she joins the military or any such organizations, like the Peace Corp, she would be fully cut off financially.


Trump is simply a weakling’s idea of a strong man, and a moron’s idea of a smart man is the heart of the matter and our national disgrace.

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