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Alex Jones Asks DOJ for Immunity Deal in Exchange for Testimony About Jan 6th

The New York Times is reporting that conspiracy theorist and InfoWars founder Alex Jones has reached out to the Department of Justice, offering to cooperate with prosecutors investigating the January 6th domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol. His cooperation would be in exchange for an immunity deal that would allow him to avoid being criminally prosecuted in exchange for telling federal prosecutors what he knows about the planning of the events that culminated in the January 6th riots.

Gee, kind of looking forward to hearing what explanation Jones is gonna give all his paranoid InfoWars fans about why he’s flipping and cooperating with that “Deep State” he’s been warning us forever. Perhaps something like “Sasquatch made me do it” might work? Of course, I suppose it really doesn’t matter what excuse he uses. I mean, it isn’t like his listeners have a serious relationship with reality anyway.

Nevertheless, in a letter that lawyers for Jones delivered to Federal Prosecutors, Jones insisted that while he has done “absolutely nothing wrong,” he needs immunity before he will cooperate with prosecutors. Oh, I see! Jones needs immunity from being prosecuted for all the illegal things he “didn't do?” Why, that doesn’t sound suspicious at all.

So, the question remains, will the Feds give this vile, pathological liar immunity? I mean, everything out of his mouth is basically directed at a “Who's Who of Stupid.” As an example of his propensity for bullshit, Jones has spent much of his career concocting conspiracy theories about “big tech.” Yet the truth is without modern technology, Jones would be just another psycho handing out Xeroxed copies of “End Times” pamphlets at Greyhound Bus stations. Not that there’s anything wrong with that!

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johnnyrobish 8 Apr 21
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He could be in even more trouble, he transfered assets out of his companies after losing the lawsuits, but before filing for bankruptcy. He may be seeking immunity for both cases. US Ag are not dummies, neither are bankruptcy judges.

glennlab Level 10 Apr 21, 2022

None of these MAGAts are all that intelligent, so it’s expected that they make dumb moves like Jones did. Hope he gets taken down and loses everything!

I hadn't heard about his transferring assets yet. Although I'm not at all surprised.

@johnnyrobish I don't remember where I read it, but the bells all went off when I read it. Bankruptcy judges can claw back any suspect transaction from the previous 24 months from the date of filing. He is claiming less than $50,000 in assets in his bankruptcy filing. I have seen bankruptcy judges get upset over hiding $5000, so the millions he has sequestered could mean jail time for contempt. A lawyer was imprisoned for 14 years for failing to provide the location of his assets, they would bring him to court, he would refuse, and they would send him back to jail. So the precedent has been set.

We can only hope Glenn! Thanks for the heads-up!

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