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Again, when I think it just can't get more disgusting. 😞

Senate Candidate From Arizona And His Supporters Physically Assaulted A 73 Year Old Man, Who Was At The Gathering. He Was Wearing A BLM Shirt. WOMEN AND MEN Assaulted Him 😠

(Rightwing media claims he was there to incite violence. A 73 Year old man, alone. Something's wrong with these people.)

SeaGreenEyez 9 June 10
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No surprise to me. Repubs feel they are above all laws and rules that apply to the rest of us, so they will attack a person, as a mob or individually, if they see the other person as the enemy. They smugly feel the cops and courts will always take their side and let them off scot free. And they feel that way because, most of the time, they get away with their violence exactly like that. Most people in my town are like that, so I would never show up at one of their events wearing something that would offend or oppose them, because I am not ready to fight a mob or anyone, for that matter, unarmed. I am not even willing to fight them one on one physically, because I know the cops and the system won't treat me fairly or protect me.

The only place I will wear a shirt like that around a group of these assholes, is the senior center in my town, because the staff there would have to do something and punish people there if they attacked me. Any place else, I'm not going to risk being victimized for my dissent.


And I’m quite sure all of those assholes who attacked that poor man identify as β€œchristians”. 😑


Am just so sick and tired of this country moving in reverse. WTF happened (besides the obvious Mango Mussolini)? My mother was conservative and yet at 80 was standing up for my Black friends. Just her stare would embarrass the idiots; it was fun to watch.

MizJ Level 8 June 10, 2022

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