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*50 cops, guns drawn, arrested, perp walked in underwear, for alleged voter fraud. Not one person. 5 people. Black people. Florida. Of course. -

SeaGreenEyez 9 Sep 11
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I personally think the incarcerated population should remain eligible to vote while incarcerated, while on parole or probation, etc. They are still citizens and their voices should be heard.

@SeaGreenEyez in Vermont and Maine I think, they can vote in prison.


The kicker is THEY were assured they Could vote under Floduhs new Rethuglican County Clerks..DeathSantis's public shitshow blew up in his face..

Charlene Level 9 Sep 11, 2022

Seems as though they were working on a little entrapment there doesn’t it?


I don’t know how Black people are expected to put up with this bullshit!

Something needs to change in this Country! I’m a white woman, and I am sick of this crap!!

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