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LINK The 4 women controlling the most powerful levers of government: 'We are the table' - CNNPolitics

Oh brother. 🙄 CNN goes full rightwing. I think anyone watching was waiting for this, but damn! They're in so deep they're stumping for Susan Collins. All she's good for is to counter-balance Kirsten Sinema. 😐

MSM has always been crap, but now CNN is actively trying to compete with the Meiselas brothers over at Meidastouch for a piece of the FoxNews pie.

It's pretty shameful to camo one's opinion in populism and a hint of progressive ideologies when it's the Right and Center Right you're really after. No wonder the White House has turned into a flop-house. Bait and switching people who are interested just enough to watch a little TV and actually vote, but not interested enough to figure out who's actually most full of shit. #sigh

I can't wait until TV becomes obsolete. The 24 hour news cycle needs to go. Yesterday. 😤

SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 30
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Very insightful comments and cleverly written! Nice job!!

Krish55 Level 8 Jan 30, 2023

CNN went out of my lineup when they announced their right wing jaunt.

glennlab Level 10 Jan 30, 2023

CNN proudly announced their lurch right a few months ago. They want to be seen as an accommodating, neutral space where everybodys opine is welcomed, and respectfully listened too..No Matter how off the rails. I wonder how long Jake, Anderson and Don will last..

Charlene Level 9 Jan 30, 2023

Neutral would be good if they were really neutral, like Walter Cronkite was- just state the actual facts and no opinions at all.

@JonnaBononna Actually, after he reported from Viet Nam, Cronkites became more vocally adamant in his opposition to the war..

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