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So it turns out that Moscow Mike is in the Pay of Russia through a corporation in Texas.... See the link below for the full story.


Lizard_of_Ahaz 9 Feb 18
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He is on the payroll of the russian fascists. Doesn't have a bank account and makes more than 88% of all Americans, give me a break.

glennlab Level 10 Feb 18, 2024

And the Corporation calling itself American Ethane in Texas is owned 88% by Putin's favorite oligarchs... I think the company should be seized because all three of those bastards are under sanctions... Also the American covering for them should be arrested and put in prison for facilitating them.

Oh and FYI I also posted this in the group "Biden Pinata" to piss off those idiots... Here I hope to piss off the pro-Russian trolls as well.

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