7 13

A man with a brown face couldn't dream of getting a nomination for President after this.

What if Obama..
Married 3 times, cheated on his first wife with his second wife.
Sexually abused a woman while with his second wife?
Cheated on his third wife with a porn star and paid hush money to the porn star?
Filed corporate bankruptcy 4 times (or was 6?)
Sent an angry mob to the Capital causing death and destruction in an attempt to interfere with an election. (And promise to pardon those who were convicted for the destruction.)
Refused to hand over classified documents (And after the FBI search, was found to have more!)
Had multiple failed businesses.
Surrounded himself with known criminals.
And was found guilty by a jury of twelve of 34 felony charges.
Who would support Obama after this?
What has America come to?

Unity 8 May 31
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I was sorry for supporting him period. But the point has been made.

You my friend are far ahead of those that follow blindly.


Perfect summation of what is terribly wrong with our justice system and the republican party. We all know Obama would be sitting in jail awaiting the trials of all the charges. That trump is out running his mouth and continuing to break the law is beyond a travesty.


@Unity I had the group Minority Heathens before I lost my password and able to use my old account, you might want to try that group!

I will definitely check it out


So true!!! He would be locked up for a very long time, doesn't matter how much money he has! Trump not only is not in jail as of yet but he abuse's his power by inciting racist hatred to the people who actually feel that way! I'm scared for the future if he is elected again! All the misinformation about the border and other bullshit that is being said and believed nowadays!

This country was always brown, those colonizers are fucking everything up! Telling people to go back to their country and speak English, yeah, it pisses me off every day! People like him should shunned and never heard from again!


I had an argument with a cop about this sort of thing. Our rig was in the middle of the desert when a group of cops with dogs rocked up to do a drug search. It was my 12 hours off and I was woken up to search my room which I shared with my opposite who was on shift eg you kinda have your own room. I was highly fucked off so I confronted the police.

"What the fuck are you doing here"
"Doing a drug search"
"On a drilling rig in the middle of the desert? I'm a taxpayer and it would have cost a mint bringing you + dogs up here. How can you justify that? Plus we have random drug tests so what the fuck?"
"We got word there was dealing going on"
"You're shitting me? Look where we are. You think tourist drive past and think "Oh, there's a drilling rig, we can score there?" Have you found anything"
"Two stashes of dope" (at the time decriminalised, under 3 ounces with a $150 fine, South Australia)
"You are shitting me. These are dry rigs (no alcohol) and look at your average roughneck covered in tatts, no teetotalling Mormons here. What do you reckon is easier to smuggle out?"

The police were totally shocked they were dry rigs (cops like a beer). He informed me the had found plenty of alcohol but said nothing about that to the bosses. They went, I sent an official complaint everywhere as they interrupted my rest, 12 hour shifts, and that is a safety issue. They never pulled that shit again. (I learnt long ago if you want anything done, tie it to safety)

My point of this story is who do we want as our leaders, teetotalling Mormons? They can't hack the pressure and the same applies to leaders imo. If we insist on only electing "pure as snow" people only, democracies would really be fucked. I prefer people with a bit of life experience which means they have fucked up somewhere, especially in their personal life. But this has nothing to do with their management skills or ability to do a task.

All of our democracies offer a choice of worse or worser atm. That is how people will vote. If a candidate cannot beat someone like you describe above, then I would say that is a reflection of that candidate's political skills more than anything. Hillary Clinton the classic example.

NB when the searched my bag, my old army duffle bag, the dog tried to rip it apart. The cop told me the dog reacted well to my bag. I said I had the bag ten years and it had bong water spilt all over it for all I can remember, fish bait etc. I also told the cop the dog can do the boot scooting boogie around my bag for all I care, you have to find something. They didn't 😉

puff Level 8 May 31, 2024

Gee I dunno, I sort of prefer someone who isn't out to screw everyone over, can see the effects of whatever he might say, instead of rabble-rousing, isn't totally self-centered. Being gratuitously cruel to people with disabilities, war prisoners, and the like because he can is off-putting to me.
I could give a rat's ass about anybody's private behavior and so-called morals but it seems to me that The Golden Rule should be acknowledged and put into play as often as possibke.

@annewimsey500 Democracy ain't perfect, but it's the best we have come up with so "they" say. It's about choice and is why debates are important in democracies. Candidates can bring up your points to competitors and vici versa during the debates for all to see, absorb and decide for themselves..

Your story is way off the base of what this post is about.
It was posted to this particular group for a reason.
You have obviously had a few PUFFS

@Unity I'm just saying if you want ideal leaders according to your values, you may be waiting a long while. All this Trump shit will benefit RFK Jr more than any I think. I totally disagree with him regarding Israel but if a voting American, that is where I would lean towards ie the best of a bad bunch.


Trump is a malignant narcissist who has been getting away with 💩forever. Michael Cohen went to jail for doing the same thing Trump just got convicted of but most are saying he won’t. WHY? He’s just the ultimate con man who can gaslight enough people into giving him the benefit of the doubt.


President Obama is guilty of hundreds of thousands of civilians being killed in the middle east

Tejas Level 8 May 31, 2024

The Drone King

I really have no knowledge of the alleged acts that you claim Obama committed.
Removing Obama from the picture and replace him with any man with a brown face and he would not be a Republican nominee.
I posted this here to show the different treatment that a white candidate gets versus a candidate of color.
I anticipated that an ignorant troll would not resist the chance to attack the facts with a silly rebuttal.
That's Trumps playbook 101

@Unity you're an idiot plain and simple

@Tejas You're not getting his point, we're talking about racism and how a white person gets away with a lot then someone who is black, brown, red. It's been going on in this country for decades and decades! If the other president who was black had done what Trump has done, he would have been locked up for year's, no questions, no being able to blame others for his own wrong doing.

@Tejas kiss my idiot black ass. Plain and simple

@Unity Good one

@michelle666gar Veri good point and totally agree. May I ask about MTG memes which seem quite popular? Would those types of memes be OK if she was black?
Don't care what colour, the Obama admin enabled the 2014 Coup in Ukraine and destroyed Libya. He was so full of promise after 8 years of Bush's war on terror but ended up being the drone king.

@puff If the person was a horrible bully to others, of course not, it wouldn't matter.

@puff American politics are all full of shit, they all just work for the rich and none of them give a flying fuck about us!

@michelle666gar Australian politicians are perfect!!!
No fucks given here either. It's a sad state of affairs

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