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We would make great strides in a world without racism

Unity 8 June 20
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Good for Frankie!

Heraclitus Level 8 June 21, 2024

Is it just me, or is this blurry? I can't read it.

It’s blurry until you click on it. It sometimes happens. 🥸

What a great story.

Nat King Cole was an enormously popular crooner, earning $4,500 a week in Las Vegas in 1956. He headlined at the whites-only Thunderbird Hotel, where he wasn't allowed to venture beyond the showroom and the cook's resting area behind the kitchen. Cole's road manager was given a room in the hotel because he was white, but the high-paid feature attraction had to find other accommodations. He regularly stayed in a rooming house on the West Side.

Frank Sinatra was a great fan of Cole's. While performing at the Sands, Sinatra noticed that Cole almost always ate his dinner alone in his dressing room. Sinatra asked his valet, a black man named George, to find out why. George explained the facts to Frank. "Coloreds aren't allowed in the dining room at the Sands."

Sinatra was enraged. He told the maitre d' and the waitresses that if it ever happened again, he'd see that everyone was fired.
The next night, Sinatra invited Cole to dinner, making his guest the first black man to sit down and eat in the the Garden Room at the Sands.

You need to click on it to enlarge it, then it becomes clear

@Killtheskyfairy Thanks for the help. Sinatra was a pretty good guy, and definitely not a racist.


There is a similar story with Marilyn Monroe and Ella Fitzgerald.

“Following her success at the Mocambo, Fitzgerald got other jobs at big venues and also returned to the Mocambo. Yet not every location treated her equally due to the color of her skin — some expected Fitzgerald to enter through a side door or back entrance rather than the front.

When Monroe became aware of this, she again supported her friend. According to Fitzgerald biographer Geoffrey Mark, Monroe had traveled to Colorado to see Fitzgerald perform. Once there, she saw her friend ushered away from the front entrance, so Monroe refused to go inside unless both she and Fitzgerald were allowed through the front doors. The movie star got her way and soon all of Fitzgerald's performance spots were treating the singer with the respect she deserved.”

I heard about that. Thankfully there are people who are brave enough, and compassionate enough to combat hatred

@Unity Yes, it is nice that a big star could help in a discriminant establishment. It angers me that it was necessary. Someone who has a skill, talent, or ability that is in demand should be respected for it.

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