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The battle for Syrian oil and territory in north-east Syria

Syrian Tribal Forces clash with US proxies and threaten Al Omar oil field with liberation
There is a very real risk of Israel expanding the war in the West Asia region - Netanyahu is not bowing to any pressure from any of the hollowed-out and compromised international law institutions like the ICC and ICJ.

The genocide of Palestinians continues with impunity and increasing savagery. The recent exposure of IOF forces participating in anal rape of Palestinian detainees just the latest in a litany of sadistic barbarism that has been deployed to terrorise Palestinians, children, men, women, no matter.
The latest massacre was committed during Fajr prayer at dawn as Palestinians gathered to pray in Al-Tabi’in School, northern Gaza on the 10th August. More than 100 civilians were slaughtered, their bodies unrecognisable after a reported three 2000lb bombs were dropped by the Zionists on the worshippers. Bombs supplied by the US.

Syria lies geographically at the heart of the Resistance Axis forming a land bridge for the Iranians to send weapons and humanitarian aid to Lebanon and Palestine. For this reason (among many others) Syria was targeted for regime change and partitioning from 2011 until today.

The US has tried in vain to take full control of the north-east and eastern borders to control Iranian access and prevent the flow of arms and oil into the energy-deprived region. This while the US is occupying and stealing Syrian oil both directly and via their proxy occupation forces in this area of Syria - formerly ISIS or now the Kurdish separatists also backed by Israel.

Watch Dana Stroul, then Co-Chair of the Syria Study Group openly boast about the US strategy to control Syrian resources in 2019:

The video is in the article. Basically it's further evidence to international crimes.


The article is from Vanessa Beeley who has an extensive background in covering the Syrian war. Along with Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate from The Grayzone she has appeared at multiple UN and UNSC hearings in regards to the war. Opposing the multiple crimes committed throughout over a decade now. Both her and The Grayzone, debunking the false western narratives of chemical attacks falsely blamed on the Syrian government. Mate just a recently as 2023 making another appearance.


Beeley and the Grayzone exposing the White helmets as a fake rescue organization, and the fake medical units related to them. []

If the region erupts into a full-blown war with Israel - Syria needs to have access to Syrian oil resources and to end US illegal occupation of the north-east down to the US allied Al Tanf military base in the south-east on the border with Jordan. Iran, Hezbollah, Iraqi Resistance factions and Yemen’s Ansarullah have vowed to retaliate for

The assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran
The assassination of Fouad Shukr in a civilian area of southern Beirut
The targeting of PMF (Popular Mobilisation Forces) by the US south of Baghdad
The Zionist bombing of Al Hodeida in Yemen which targeted the Yemeni Oil Company.

In February, the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, suspended its operations against US forces in Iraq, in hopes that a special governmental committee and Washington would negotiate a framework for the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country.

After it became apparent that these negotiations were not leading to US withdrawal -the Islamic Resistance Iraq has recently restored operations against US bases in Iraq and Syria with two strikes:

William_Mary 8 Aug 11
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Scary stuff! Too much religion and testosterone over there....

pamagain Level 8 Aug 11, 2024

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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