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‘Vote Joy’ — a Delusion of Nostalgia

Those populating the vice president’s joy-and-vibes crowd can pretend to celebrate a state of elation while acquiescing to their candidate’s approval of mass murder.

😟 This is “Kamala” against a pastel field, no surname necessary, the presidential candidate as a striding figure out of the 1960s counterculture, an heroic hippie. I hope you are ready for the tag line. It is “Vote Joy 2024.” 😟

Just glance at it for now: This is how some Democratic voters, and I suspect many, want to imagine a candidate who supports and advances, among various other late-imperial crimes, a genocide of world-historical significance.

The imagery seems, somehow, an almost criminal violation of human intelligence.


I shouldn't have to say this, in this day and age, but the narrative of this article goes along with all aspects of the republican party and its representation also. But I know we have a select number of those here who invade our post in efforts to suggest otherwise. Simply due to the apparentness that these people can't think for themselves. As all they can do is echo the managed rhetoric taught to them by the MSMs and those they attempt to glorify just the same. Incapable of seeing their previous history as they breath in the lies and deceit, just the same as democrat supporters, they exhale the same delusional reality.

{There is always more — something worse — another step down into a sort of political nihilism that leaves the electorate stupefied as the imperium conducts its violent, illegal business.}

That statement obviously can be directed to all of DC. Quite frankly, state politics also. Our state governments have betrayed us just the same by not suing the national government for their crimes and unethical practices that bleed into our state politics. There's no better of an example of being under a national security issue than the way our states and country are being ran.
When you critically observe how states are ran, you find the same tendencies of the wealthy controlling our 50 "united" societies as you find on the nationally level. United States is a fallacy of its own on multiple levels!

{When I first saw the “Kamala” poster it was via a social media message Katrina vanden Heuvel sent out, with cheerful approval, on “X.”

Vanden Heuvel, as many readers will know, is the editorial director of The Nation. It is important to take note. In “Vote Joy 2024” we find the denouement of the long, pitiful story of what has become of the American “left” and why this term now requires quotation marks.}

I have stated here on occasions to such, beware the deceptive speech, critically pick apart the speech from actions. Eventually, they expose themselves. Heuvel, a proclaimed progressive now joins the ilk of the likes of Liz Cheney. The likes of The Nation. In which I observed Aaron Mate go in and come out virtually like lightning. Have no doubt, he likely had good reason. I first encountered Aaron Mate at The Real News Network. When I began to see the platform there, which I followed for a number of years, turning towards questionable content, it wasn't long Mate left there. Shortly after his take down of Luke Harding. Which I have always considered that interview probably didn't go down well with Paul Jay. It was good for clicks I'm sure though.

Where Chris Hedges now does his show from, I believe. Brilliant political commentator. I also have common issues with though. The pussy left RT on questionable reasoning where I guarantee he had more genuinely intellectual followers than he'll ever find away from RT. Now he's merely a echo in the chamber of mainly indoctrinated sheep who don't fully comprehend his messages. Can I get a George Carlin?

I'll let you go on to read the rest of the article to find the money aspect to go along with the new illusion. Like Trump selling of shoes and various other products. The history of no one being held accountable which Harris would be inheriting. I'll leave you with these statement from the article.

{Here is the Brittanica definition of “flower power.” It is a good place to begin.

“Flower power: the belief that war is wrong and that people should love each other and lead peaceful lives — used especially to refer to the beliefs and culture of young people (called hippies) in the 1960s and 1970s.”

Instantly we learn something.

We have heard daily talk of “joy” and “vibes” since the Democratic Party’s elites and donors undemocratically imposed Kamala Harris as their 2024 candidate.

And now we find, via an admittedly goofy but probably representative Harris voter with an amateur gift for social psychology, that beneath all this compulsive “positivity” there seems to lie a strong streak of nostalgia.

Why, the obvious question, do the liberal voters for whom Arens speaks, or to whom he speaks, or both, indulge in a nostalgia for a time they never knew?

Why is it important that they identify so strongly with those whose political and cultural commitments, however gauzily recalled, gave the 1960s the reputation the decade has in the public consciousness.}

William_Mary 8 Sep 7
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How will this latest UN ruling affect her advocacy?


Brilliant. World now enforce it.

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