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The Gaggle Talks To Vanessa Beeley

George Szamuely and Peter Lavelle sat down for a long, fascinating conversation on what's going on with Israel's wars with journalist, blogger and activist Vanessa Beeley.


I occasionally post Crosstalk on here that Lavelle runs on RT, which Szamuely is often a guest of on his show. Szamuely has his own pod cast also. I'm just now finding out the two of them do this Gaggle thing on youtube. Making it good for bypassing facehack being they banned RT content. But they did an interview with Vanessa Beeley which she posted on her site, which I'll give it the notification so people can have another decent informative place to go to. More Gaggle in the future. Now you can't use RT as a reason to pass on better information. Foolish to do so if you did!

Vanessa Beeley is widely known for her middle east coverage. With the likes of The Grayzone, particularly Max Blumenthal and Arron Mate, has made numerous appearances at the UN and UNSC hearings highly contradicting western narratives and exposing their crimes. It should be a rather informative discussion from the 3. Go!

Right out of the gate you'll hear 7 front war. Is this a 2.0 of the ---- going to war with 7 other country's we heard going into our own middle east wars?

No disappointment here! A lot of things to learn and think about! To much for me to keep up with. Questions? Ask...

William_Mary 8 Nov 2
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