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Stories from the Center of the World (w/ Jordan Elgrably) | The Chris Hedges Report

The years of war and terror imposed upon the Middle East have left its people, as Jordan Elgrably tells host Chris Hedges, “tired of saying that [they’re] human too.” In this episode of The Chris Hedges Report, Elgrably discusses the stories that remind English-speaking Western readers of the humanity behind those from this often misunderstood and misrepresented region.

A consistent theme of many of the tales that Hedges and Elgrably explore is the rejection of society, and a people longing for connection that imperial power and greed denies them. As Hedges states, “[The] first section of stories are about exile, the pain of exile, the way that these outside forces intrude to distort, deform, destroy lives.” In one chilling passage, the author states: “I made an unavoidable mistake. I had a terrible dream, screamed and was discovered here. Even your nightmares can betray you. In the future — and I also use this word with a laugh — I will sleep with tape over my mouth."

These stories thrust the reader into the perspectives of Middle Eastern people, whether they’re immigrants or refugees, and through their thoughts, actions and complexities, unravel the misconceptions so often exploited by politicians about them. “There's an explanation for why people would leave. They don't hate their countries. They would love to be able to stay,” Elgrably says.

{I have talked about this reality often here.}

Through the characters' interactions with culture and society, the stories tackle themes such as class dynamics, and the often untold trauma of a population cursed by foreign intervention and war. As Hedges and Elgrably discuss, the narratives reveal the humanity at the root of these underrepresented issues.

The multitude of stories provides people an accessible introduction into the world of Middle Eastern writing. “You can take this as a stepping stone to discovering other writers from that part of the world,” Elgrably says.


Thanks Giving?

What is there to be thankful for? The list is short for me. She has been the only one to see me, understand me.

My own identity has been ever changing. Not done yet. Will never be done yet. Call me? In a sense I live like the manufactured enemies spoken of here. But they are worldwide. Not only just here, of the past few years. Decades. Centuries.

Like the regions in reverence, there are few who actually wanted to leave their homelands. Forced. Decades. Centuries. Crimes on humanity. Never ending. We need to learn what it's like. Educate. Feel. Why don't our politicians or medias ever talk about the origins of their discontent? While they purposely deliver plenty of only the disconnect.

Pushed aside. Ignored. Demonized.

We've been exploited and used to create world chaos. The same type of chaos that was brought to our "homeland." Many, our lives. Today we celebrate a fictional chaotic holiday of past. We celebrate crimes on humanity. Past. And. Present.

William_Mary 8 Nov 28
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