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The Biden Family of Liars

Given Joe Biden’s apparently intimate involvement in Hunter’s dealings, it follows that his intent in pardoning his son is effectively to secure a pardon for himself.


{With his shocking presidential pardon of his son Hunter, announced Thanksgiving weekend, when the maximum number of Americans would be watching football games and consuming potato chips, Joe Biden goes out just as he was the whole of his tatty career as a politician — a self-serving fiddler, indifferent to democratic process, ever going against his word.

Peter Baker, that inimitable (thank goodness) clerk The New York Times posts as its chief White House correspondent, tells us in Wednesday’s editions, “We don’t really know how history will remember Joe Biden. It’s too early to say, obviously.”

Actually, we really know at this point. Obviously.}

It wasn't shocking! If you believed Biden when he said he wouldn't, you're an idiot. And after 5 decades of practicing the compliantly and complicity of collaborate illegal crimes and unethical practices abroad and domestically, you're even a bigger idiot. If you didn't reach a high sense of concern as I picked apart his incoming cabinet picks in 2020, suggesting what he would do abroad and domestically, you're so far into a rabbit hole that you should be ashamed of yourselves. These are the reasons after the previous 5 decades that a person like Trump has managed to successfully reach the white house. Twice! Why Israel and the Ukrainian fascist structures within have more power over our country than we do.

Why members of some of our citizenships families are abroad being killed in wars and we don't hear about it. They come back as reports of accidents instead. Why terrorist in the middle east, Africa, and Ukraine are being portrayed as rebels and or opposition to manufactured enemies by our medias who commit horrible crimes. When real rebels and opposing resistant forces against criminal regimes are labeled as terrorist.

Apparently, congratulations are needed in the case of Syria. Reports yesterday indicate that the multiple terrorist groups our tax dollars have been funding and supporting managed to take over the capital of Syria. While our medias are attempting to rebrand them as having turned from their old radical ways. They now see the light of western ways.

These are people who chopped off heads of men, women, and children. Slaughtered thousands upon thousands of citizens from one end of the middle east to the other. Our own family members! Apparently, I might need to repeat that in other words. Will internet screaming help? OVER THE PAST 24 YEARS, THESE MEMBERS OF A COMBINED STRUCTURE OF ISIS AND VARIOUS FRACTIONS OF Al-QUEDA PLAYED A SIGNIFICANT ROLE IN THOUSANDS OF DEATHS OF OUR MEN AND WOMEN IN SERVICE DURING THE IRAQ AND AFGHANISTAN WARS, AND BEYOND. THAT OUR NATIONAL GOVERNMENT, INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, OTHER WESTERN GOVERNMENTS AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES, FUNDED AND SUPPORTED. While we were all sleeping during a fake cease fire in regards to Lebanon, they delivered Syria to western corporations and GOT A PASS ON ALL OF THEIR CRIMES OVER THE PAST 24 YEARS. It's hard to take this in! Russia for allowing it to happen? Erdogan betraying Russia and the Syrians. Erdogan is really no surprise though. He flips like a devilish minion at the drop of any opportunity that benefits him. He's a genuine example of a criminal western politician. I don't know why Russia trust him!

The amount of civilians that would have been killed to prevent it. Still waiting on more information. At least Russia is seemingly the only adult about matters like this. Putin has gone to great lengths to avoid high counts of civilian deaths in Ukraine. At the cost of his own and allied service members. While the Russian society has asked for more power to be introduced. Leveling out large swaths of cities isn't his idea of winning over a society, thankfully.

Anyways. From the crimes of all 3 of them above, {right, don't forget, Trump played a part in middle east crimes also, especially in Syria} back to the article. A long list of apparent crimes by both Hunter and Joe within. While I was 99% sure Joe would pardon Hunter, I was hoping he wouldn't. Because I'm fairly certain Trump would have. Maybe left his to sweat it out for a short period, but would eventually pardon Hunter. Another ultimate pissing down on his supporters. Like he did after winning the 2016 campaign when he basically pardoned Clinton. Lock her up became a golden stream of piss for those of us who recognized it for what it was as he congratulated her on her campaign run and service as the SOS. And Biden would walk off to little acknowledgment like Clinton has done. Yea, Trump supporters are just as gullible as any democrat supporter. Mark my word. We'll see them all giddy and pleasant with each other in the year to come, or some point, at some occasion where they all have to gather together. That's if Joe and Jimmy can't last that long.

William_Mary 8 Dec 8
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