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When Britain Aided Al-Qaeda in Syria

The U.K.’s campaign to overthrow the Assad regime provides key background to understanding Whitehall’s approach to Hayat Tahrir al-Sham

Beginning in 2011, Britain embarked on a campaign to overthrow the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, in cooperation with its key allies the U.S., Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey.


{Former MI6 officer Alastair Crooke noted at the time that “the West does not actually hand the weapons to al-Qaida, let alone ISIS but the system that they have constructed leads precisely to that end.”

“The weapons conduit that the West directly has been giving to groups such as the Syrian Free Army [sic] have been understood to be a sort of ‘Walmart’ from which the more radical groups would be able to take their weapons and pursue the jihad.”

In November 2012, the U.S. coordinated a massive airlift of some 3,000 tonnes of arms to the FSA from Croatia with the help of Britain and other European states, paid for by Saudi Arabia.

Lord Paddy Ashdown, the former Liberal Democrat leader, later said that the massive quantity of arms went “almost exclusively to the more jihadist groups”.}

To think about as you read the article.

I posted a while back about weapons being sold on the black market. {west walmart for terrorist groups} When the USSR broke apart, there was a vast amount of weaponry left behind in Ukraine throughout the country that consisted of basically everything a small army would need. Tanks, jets, rocket launchers, small arms mortars, tons of ammunition, etc. Everything! These weapons have been sold on the black market for decades. Along with other various weapons that have managed to be stolen and or captured, piracy, by other means. Sold to terrorist groups, collaborators, with western governments off our tax dollars as this article exposes. Weaponry worth 100s of billions today.

The current weapons sells going to Ukraine play a large role in this today also. {todays Croatia} In the post I provided a while back also included a video of a journalist who was communicating with arms dealers who helped supply weapons to Hamas in Gaza. Yes, we actually helped to fuel both sides of this war. It should be no surprise if you remember the Iraq-Iran war. Along with other means weapons have been acquired for decades unknown to the public. The Ukraine military currently has a presence in Africa and Syria where they have been working with terrorist groups to train and support in multiple confrontations against countries attempting to break free of past colonialism and kicking western nations out. Providing weapons and the newest battlefield use of drones. We're not just funding weapons for Ukraine against Russia, but for them to also take them into other regions and spread the fascism. We sell weapons to Gulf states, it's also fueling the war against Yemen.

Purposeful quagmires of fascist ideology for control of the planet and it's resources. Murder incorporated.

On another note. I find it rather disturbing of some of the comments on last weeks post as to how normalized some people apparently are in regards to this era of time. As though it's acceptable for this type of atmosphere and environment to still exists. As though those who have given their lives away within the fallacies of fake freedom, patriotism, and democracy, seemingly mean nothing to so many over the past 24 years. The many who returned home who deal with physical and mental conditions mean nothing and forgotten. As I personally dissent from what this facade is and the structure of, the people running it, I do so with the intent to educate and hopes to bring an end to it. I do so with everyone of them in mind. For that, people and journalist with the same intentions are constantly attacked for speaking out. We and medias putting the truth out suppressed and labeled. When we are the real patriotic attempting to speak for them. Even those who remain indoctrinated within the facade they put trust in. It's profoundly distasteful and offensive.

William_Mary 8 Dec 21
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I'm thinking next stock market aka Wall St crash, those in BRICS won't be effected as much and the $USD will be delt a death knell as default world currency. The power to sanction, bribe and confiscate (steal) will be gone. This will stop these wars for profit the fascist (extreme Capitalism) way. Government married and devoted to industry with "the people" unwanted children.

That old chinless fart Mitch McConnel just carped on about the US retaining it's "Primacy" which is rule the world shit. Need a generation of US politicians to hurry up and die out.

puff Level 8 Dec 22, 2024

#stupid people just never learn & keep repeating the mistakes of their colonial ancestors.
The question is will AI discover how to change human brains to remove the selfish greed that causes so much detachment that enables the few to so detrimentally affect & destroy the wellbeing of so many?

FrayedBear Level 9 Dec 21, 2024

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