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“Has Jolani changed his spots?” George Galloway interviews Chris Hedges about the fall of the Assad regime in Syria on the Mother of All Talk Shows (MOATS)

“The seizure of the oil fields in the north and the east, as well as the agricultural rich region, plunged the Syrian economy into crippling dysfunction before Assad was overthrown.”

“…in the long term, I don’t see how having an Islamist state on your border is going to be beneficial to the Israeli government.”

“The Zionists have always attacked the non-violent movements with even more ferocity than the violent movements.”

“You can’t even go to a library silently and flip up your laptop with a free Palestine sticker on the back. You’re banned.”

“Israel has now traumatized, massively traumatized, an entire new generation of Palestinians.”


Attack the weak. Control the opposing liberation organizations. I've now posted 2 articles previously that leans towards liberation organizations seemingly being more trendy of collaboration with the zionist, than genuine liberation movements for the Palestinian people. Chris again leads us towards this theory.

It's a recycled agenda that is also being used by the Ukraine government. A large amount of their attacks on Russia, especially in the Donbass regions, are against civilian populations. If not the majority of. Attack the defenseless in efforts to spread despair. Traumatize. Lose faith in the agenda of defense and opposition. Freedom and democracy isn't worth it?

Observations would suggest the same tactics in this zionist regard are the very same as what western governments have been doing for decades in regards to the multiple terrorist organizations they have created. In the case of Afghanistan in the late 70's, Carter beginning with the help of Afghan Charlie to thwart the USSRs attempt to help their socialist government. Turning a vibrant society where their culture, womens rights, and democracy were obliterated from existence. Then this agenda was spread throughout the middle east. We've seen it played out in a number of scenarios. Libya. Syria. Iraq. Each highly historic beautiful societies turned into poisoned waste lands that war leaves behind, Full of terrorist and corruption, including the politicians placed, poverty, the crimes that come with, any sense of freedoms erased. Slavery. Organs to sell on the black market. Executions. Weapons to sell on the black market. Mass graves of innocent civilians. This is what our backs are meant to support 😟

William_Mary 8 Dec 28
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