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Escaping wokeness | Canadian family moves to Russia

As Western nations push a queer agenda on its citizens, many are not buying it. Some are taking it upon themselves to escape it, and move to Russia, which has become a refuge for those with conservative values.

RT meets with the the Feenstra family, who took the leap of faith, and are building a brand new life in central Russia


I haven't done this in a while. Share a series of Russian news. Starting with a Canadian family moving to Russia. I don't particularly agree with some statements in the video, or the use of woke, but the parents make the ultimate comment. Paraphrasing--we love all people---just not some of their lifestyles.

Somethings are better for children to discover over time on their own. For parents to address when they bring it up on their own. If they have a set of parents who are intellectually knowledgeable, they will bring it up on their own, and they will be taught a rightful manor towards a direction of self discovery. Within a partnership with those parents. No government, school structure, or media, has the right to personally inject themselves towards manipulating any child into any belief system.

That brings to the media. Which I hope you find to be the primary emphasis to be placed on from the coverage of this family. The role it played, and the negative results that came from the media from injecting themselves into their move. From people previously indoctrinated into their narratives. Attack a genuine family for making a decision through freedom, dividing them from the rest of society to serve their manufactured negative reality.

'West uses Kiev to do its dirty work and spread terrorism'

RT discusses the events over the year with Christopher Helali, an academic, researcher and the International Secretary of the American Communist Party


Ukraine Conflict | 2024 Recap

RT looks back on how the Ukrainian conflict has evolved over the past year and what has happened away from the frontlines


Netanyahu has brought Israel to rock bottom – father of Israeli soldier kidnapped by Hamas

RT spoke with Yehuda Cohen, father of Nimrod Cohen, a soldier kidnapped by Hamas. He highlighted that October 7 attack is Netanyahu’s fault and must be also investigated for the deaths of Israelis.

‘Within 2 years, Netanyahu has brought Israel to rock bottom in terms of security and the economy,’ he added.


2024 marked by Russia’s test of Oreshnik new missile system

RT's senior correspondent Murad Gazdiev recalls Russia's test deployment of the Oreshnik hypersonic ballistic missile, which struck a factory in Ukraine in November 2024.

Moscow's use of Oreshnik was a consequence of Biden’s shameless authorization for Kiev to carry out strikes with long-range missiles deep into Russia.


William_Mary 8 Jan 2
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When people fear information that is challenging the existence they live in, you find the type of responses below. By which ever of the multiple indoctrinated reasonings or combination of that are available may be. They provide the very evidence of why our country faces the devastating challenges we endure. A text book example of micro managed thought via false negative propaganda. Don't be a victim of like these and those who have joined them in supporting their managed perceptions. Think outside of the box created for them. Open your minds with a sense of intellectual discovery. Fight the ignorance with free thought by observing sources outside of their box.


Jeebus H, i must award you the award for Worst Garbled Mess so far this year!
And I am having more certificates printed up with your name on them as you read this.


This red circled area is the most relevant part per this OP…

Scott321 Level 7 Jan 2, 2025

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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