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Biden & Make-Believe Democracy

If a large chunk of the public can be persuaded that a man who is incapable of finding the door is “sharp as a tack,” they can be made to believe a lot of other things too

Only in the world of political make-believe we inhabit in the West would The Wall Street Journal’s account of Biden’s years-long cognitive decline, and its concealment by his officials, count as a scoop.

And only in a world in which the billionaire-owned media alone constructs and polices what counts as reality would the WSJ be able to run this story without also being expected to consider what it signifies about America’s professed democracy.

The emperor, we are now told, was naked all along. How did it take more than four years for the fearless, tenacious billionaire-owned media to notice?


This is what the indoctrination program of our representation and their medias brings us. I couldn't even make it to the 6 minute mark of the video. It's totally embarrassing to be an American today. And we were being well warned about this as I covered the election cycle going into 2020. As I exposed basically every member he would place in his cabinet. And also that the other side wasn't much better within its fascist ideology that was also obviously apparent. 2 child like speaking candidates to be our options for president.

For fucks sake, and we have been nothing but fucked, since. With 100s of thousands now dead over these 4 years because we have a citizenship of being vastly ignorant and intellectually controlled within their illusions. Which most within this very community have no right to have free thinking on their profile! That media didn't just notice. It is an owned, Biden is bought, along with his administration, all administrations before and that will come after, to adhere to that billionaire classes agendas. We are the only means to change that. While at least half the citizenships fights within that arena, the rest of us and the world pay the price for missing what should be clearly obvious! Without us, the western hegemony has little ability to keep operating as it does! Our society is to dumbed down to recognize this!

{Many observers — myself included — pointed out Biden’s mental infirmity from the get-go. Matt Orfalea has been compiling video clips of the president’s stunning gaffes and verbal confusions for years. None of us were geniuses. We didn’t need access to the 50 White House insiders interviewed by the WSJ. It was blindingly obvious.

You had to be lying, or hypnotised, to deny what was so visible.

And yet every time we pointed out Biden’s clear cognitive impairment, we were accused of promoting conspiracy theories, engaging in elder abuse, or supporting Trump.}

I can't insult you enough to make a difference. Can I? I attempt to do this as respectful as possible for the most part. With me facing the vast majority of disrespect. Mine is mostly delivered merely from posting facts and conjecture you refuse to consider and or can't live with. I receive the same social media manufactured divisional trife for the ignorant to use against me. My political position puts me in a gutter to be pissed on by both sides of the 2 party establishment supporters. Attempt to drown me in your piss as you will. But what are you, our country, and its victims drowning in? You apparently don't have a clue what it is.

{The truth about Biden hasn’t suddenly leaked out from his officials. Senior politicians on both sides of the aisle knew. White House correspondents knew. Editors knew. And they all lied to protect the system of power to which they belong, the system that keeps them gainfully employed, the system that maintains their status. No one was going to rock the boat.

The WSJ hasn’t suddenly found out things it didn’t know before. The reason it is coming clean now – as are White House staffers – is that President Biden is almost out the door. The truth is no longer a serious threat to the Washington power system.

There will be more revelations about Biden’s incapacity – maybe contained in a future book by Bob Woodward – after his presidency has become a distant memory. When it is safe for the full story to be told. When the lies are no longer important.}

The inevitable erasure of history that is constantly our bitch towards an ignorant society.

??Does the U.S. run by itself? Does it need a president? Or is the president nothing more than a figurehead for a permanent bureaucracy that expects to wield power from the shadows, unobserved by voters and unaccountable to them? Is the U.S. a democracy, or is the democracy just a facade behind which a wealth elite maintains its power??

!!!Biden has given us the answer!!! Were you listening!?!

Obviously most weren't listening. Haven't been willing to listen for decades.

William_Mary 8 Jan 5
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Hi @William_Mary. Another article I wish to draw to your attention if you have not already read it:

Israel, backed by the West, is in the grip of a fantasy of omnipotence
Alain Gabon


It does not in any way persuade me that the only logical world response is to demand that all of the Israelis & their mercenaries past & present be lobotomised. Humanity cannot afford to be infected again as they inevitably will be.

Trump is now showing signs of the disease along with his son in Greenland.


The deranged lunatics on this site will never admit the inevitable about this incompetent puppet and would definitely have voted for him regardless of his pathetic mental condition .

richiegtt Level 8 Jan 5, 2025

And what is your opinion of this American professors recent analysis?

Israel, backed by the West, is in the grip of a fantasy of omnipotence
Alain Gabon


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