3 17

He's not wrong. I have hope the kid will grow up and realize the error of his ways. Who am I kidding, he's a wealthy kid in Kentucky, he'll either get hooked on heroin or become a senator...or both.

dokala 7 Jan 20
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From what I gather from this report

, the group from the Catholic school was accosted by this Black Hebrew Israelite hate group , which was also present . [] , [] , [] . The Native American then stepped in between the two groups in an attempt to prevent any altercation which might arise . []
Marmion Level 6 Jan 21, 2019

well, I am gonna tell you. Neither side holds the absolute high ground here.

Those Kentucky kids were at a rally or somesuch that was anti-abortion and the indigenous march happened to be going on nearby - or that's how I hear it. Fair enough ... they're catholics.

But then they mock a native american singing a chant. They're kids with little to no experience in the world much less with native american culture. They don't understand the significance of his song to him and his beliefs and people. To them it's just some bullshit song that they can ridicule. Like kids do. So they mock him mercilessly.

In response this veteran gets in their faces and doubles down on his efforts. He invades their private space and, by our standards, proceeds to taunt them by singing even louder.

This is disrespect by both sides of the debate. They were obviously wrong to mock him and ridicule him for his protest and beliefs. But he was also wrong to taunt them and invade their space. I don't blame their parents for being angered over the veterans' actions.

Education needs to happen for the kids and realization that young people don't have to always be silent needs to happen for that veteran.

JeffMesser Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

There is excuse from their bullshit. Period.


I would love to hear what Jordan Peterson makes of these particular young white males.

brentan Level 8 Jan 20, 2019

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