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A little dose of truth about the situation in Venezuela, from journalists who have worked there. Corporate media in the United States are lying to you about the entire thing. :::

commie1776 6 Jan 28
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amazing how a little bit of money and alot of fake news can transform the minds of a entire country. talking about usa, venezuela, and any other country for that fact. big oil will there this time next year, just like they are in iraq


Of course they are lying. Socialism HAS to be evil, it can't be that a corrupt and inept dictatorial person has usurped the power.

@commie1776 I'm with your school of thought. Maduro is an awful leader and Pence, et al, are using his supposed type of government as an excuse to hand Venezuela over to another repressive, but right wing party. And one more pro U.S. which is just for the oil, damn the democracy.


I hate Trump. Having said that; He accidentally made a good point. We need to help Venezuela...but we don't need to "demand a deal" before we do it. Most oil owners want to deal with folk who are willing to buy their product. If we go in and "liberate" Venezuela (which we -through Saudi and the mid-east deals helped bankrupt) we won't be doing it with a clear conscience. I can't control what happens....and it's pretty clear Trump is pushing an invasion....but I hope it doesn't happen. I hope Trump is arrested before we get involved. I'm also hoping Bob Mueller gets busy and lays his cards on the table soon.

Robecology Level 9 Jan 28, 2019

@commie1776 It’s not a matter of being “imperialistic”. Watch the whole video. It’s a matter of helping the people of a nation very geographically close to us live a better life. If we don’t help them; we suffer with increased migrations.

@commie1776 I’m so glad you shared the video. It was insightful. But it leaves me with a feeling of helplessness. Empathy. Sadness for their suffering. Call me a globalist...but I see their suffering....and I can’t just “leave them alone”.


Oil equals money. It is always about the money.

GreatNani Level 8 Jan 28, 2019

@commie1776 Yes it is. It drives our foreign policy.

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