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I argue politics entirely too much. When I tear apart argument after argument I find that conservative Trump supporters last fox holes are abortion and racism. Very depressing! I should stop because those are emotionally charged issues that seem logic proof. I keep hoping for better underlying reasons but keep finding the same shallow bullshit underneath.

JazznBlues 8 Feb 13
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The world is full of stupid people that is why there are conservative and the social ones are the stupidest of all.


I've been a democratic activist for 30 years and only once in that 30 years did I feel like I was able to change someone's mind about abortion. Actually I probably misspoke, I changed this young mothers mind about the democratic perspective on abortion not her mind on abortion. We were giving away candy to the children at a booth and she took the candy out of her child's hand because Democrats kill babies. Somehow a friendly smile and the statement that there really is a difference between supporting abortion and supporting choice. I told her I personally wanted to help people avoid abortion by all means and thought that prevention of unwanted pregnancies was the very best way because people did not abort planned pregnancies. I followed that up with the statement that I had a hard time respecting the Republican views on childbearing because I had watched their legislative efforts for years and they had consistently done everything possible to make sure there was as little support as possible for children that are born. They repeatedly tried to stop Aid to single mothers and educational opportunities for the poorest among us. Pro-life to me does not mean forced pregnancy but instead means support for all life regardless of how it happens. For some reason she listen to me and picked up the candy dish and offered the candy to her own children.

Lorajay Level 9 Feb 14, 2019

Thanks, I needed to hear that.


It is very hard to have sensible discussions with people whose ideas are entrenched beyond reason. Like you, I keep trying but I end up frustrated and angry when people refuse to question anything and will not consider evidence.

CeliaVL Level 7 Feb 14, 2019

Religious intolerance. Can't fight it reason goes out the window

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 14, 2019

I think the crux of the anti-abortion argument is that life begins at conception. It is only recently I learned how many fertilized (conceived) eggs naturally do not implant themselves in the uterine wall and become a pregnancy. Where does that leave the "souls" of these blastocysts? Life must begin at some time after conception.It's a rational argument that I don't think will make much of a difference. If you believe abortion is murder, it's always murder and is always wrong. I just don't have that view.

Like I said, they are logic proof at the core. Best arguments in the world wouldn't sway them.

I think therefore I am


You have way more patience than I..

Charlene Level 9 Feb 13, 2019
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