I am new to this group so I am not entirely familiar with past conversations. But the subject(s) are interesting to me. I have been listening to some of the objections to "socialism" in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Objections that confuse how the progressive Democrats are defining the term. Socialism should not be confused with Communism, (although the way that the current administration is cozying up to Russia you might not think that Communism [or whatever modified system is now in place] is not such a bad thing). But the conservative Republicans have already started the drum beat of accusation that "socialism" is bad. And the 30% or so who are Trump supports will believe without knowing what is being proposed that all socialism is bad.
So how are the progressive Democrats going to convince enough of the remaining 70% of the population that their proposals are not a government mother taking over their lives? And how are they going to turn out enough voters to elect one of them?
Watch for Russian trolls and right wing conspiracy formulators on social media as they ramp up their attacks. It will be interesting.
80% of the population wants lobbyist out of washington, 70% want medicare 4 all, # like that seems reasonable to me, it can happen! also note overwhelming majority want higher taxes for the rich and a green new deal.
@F-IM-Forty fox news even said it
@F-IM-Forty that im jesus lol jk, I dunno majority of the people in this country want real change I guess. fox news these are the facts but= I listen to the facts and mute the rest
@F-IM-Forty going green and heating one's apartment are by no means mutually exclusive goals. The biggest obstacle is NOT lack of te hnology; it is lack of will. Thay is why AOC and company are going to play such a positive role on the political front.
Americans need to open our eyes and stop pretending that we are nation thay can figure shit out. There are a handful of European nations already well on the way to total renewable power. We could learn a thing or two.
@F-IM-Forty sun provides energy even if its cold just saying, as do other cleaner energy sources
We can't ever convince the poor people who fell for Trump's drivel. We need to get out the vote of young people and somehow heal the divide within the party. Older centrist Democrats will stay home if we end up with a true Progressive and vice versa if we end up with a Centrist. That is unless, we figure out a way to make both sides quit demonizing the other side.
Millenials are the largest voting block for Progressive voters..they stepped out in 2016 due to wheeling and backroom dealing in the DNC.
As a long time DemSoc it time to dump Clintonian RightCenter policies in favor of a more FDR policy platform..
I saw a story about "socialism" this morning. Young people in general have a more positive connotation. But, you're right, the right is trying to vilify the word. When Reagan began smearing people as "liberal" people ran away from the word and it became a bad thing to most people. We should have embraced the word and said "Damn right I'm a liberal. Look at all the things it has given us." I hope we embrace socialism instead of running from it. Educate people about all the benefits and the horrible choice of unbridled capitalism.
Ok..the progressive are trying to pull the Democratic Party back to an FDR point as opposed to the RightCenter that the Clintons have succeeded in doing. It's time for the Boomers to hand over the reigns of power.
Could not agree more - and I'm a boomer. Let's give Nancy Pelosi some credit for her recent work, though. And we're going to have to accept people who identify as moderate to have a big enough coalition to get anything done. I would love to see tax rates go back to pre-Reagan levels.
@schwinnrider I agree that moderates are needed..however the future of the Party is trending DemSoc..and yes Nancy is doing an awesome job dealing with the king..btw I'm a boomer as well..
Key on points. The drum beat to paint socialism as bad has been going on for a long time. The cons have imbued their version of government as what the xtions god wants and just like how they once argued it as for slavery of a person's body they now argue for possession of a person's financial abilities and life in general as god shall provide for all that believe - and yet, they wallow in the same bullshit and many suffer under the oppressive thumbs of financial tyrants.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. [consortiumnews.com]
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