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Remember the Kent State Massacre (May 4, 1970) and also Jackson State. See song below...

Krish55 8 May 4
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I was 14 at the time. When I heard the news, I ran out into my high school's courtyard, and started to haul the flag down, so I could burn it. Then, all four of the school's principles ran out to stop me. Then, about a hundred students came out, surrounded the principles, and began chanting "Bring it Down!". More students came out. The cops were called, and 4 bus-loads of riot porkers showed up. They drove us back in the building with tear gas and clubs. And we were herded into a gymnasium, where we were on 'lock-down' the rest of the day.

davknight Level 8 May 11, 2019

Yes I remember did a post about it, since people seem to have very short memories, so if anyone thinks that they will not kill us, think again!
They have , they will, they always have, so REMEMBER!
Everyone needs to watch the old movie: NETWORK, now a play on Broadway with old meth maker, Breaking Bad, and what a job he does, cause "we should be GD mad as hell and not take this GD crap anymore"!!

Welcome to the AGE OF AQUARIOUS AKA THE NEW DARK AGES! Unless we remember and get GD mad about it, then it just comes back, kinda like measles!!

What I find alarming is the lack of age diversity on this site, very few are on this site or even know such things exist, honestly they do not know, so we had better tell them to their faces( esp you parents out there teachers cannot do all of it for you and do you want some of them to do it, think I worked in the field so my advice would be no!)
like I did in my last career, teaching middle school, so I told them face to face about the history of the country, history of this world and they are hooked on these IPhones, thank you Steve Jobs!! Why does everyone think Steve Jobs is so great, look at what he did! And I hold him responsible, do you think he is a holy man, really on, he is a holy man for this, I beg to differ!

Oppenheimer may agree with me, since he knew he had become the destroyer of the world, he was very depressed about it!! Einstein warned him!

Did anyone see Diane Sawyer's special about this on Friday night? Silicon Valley does not let their kids have it and those that did regret it, so what does that tell you , they send their kids to schools with no technology, computers of course but nothing else!

aahouck49 Level 7 May 5, 2019

I was a senior in high school at the time of Kent State. I still remember crying at seeing the scenes of students being gunned down by the National Guard troops firing live ammunition.

SageDave Level 7 May 5, 2019

I fear more of this is coming in trumpies amerika


Just before I went into army sad day

bobwjr Level 10 May 4, 2019

Thing have actually gotten worse since then..

Charlene Level 9 May 4, 2019

Student Demonstration Time

Krish55 Level 8 May 4, 2019

This brought tears to my eyes the first time I heard it. Still does.

@Larry-new really Larry, the greatest generation could not kill us off fast enough, Vietnam ring a bell? or anything else we did or did not do, according to them!! Greatest Generation, so say Tom Brokaw?? Really, him, honestly if they have in this country ever been on TV or a movie, then they must be experts on everything, Journalists and Actors, rule the day!! Has anyone heard about sociologists, we study cultures, perhaps we should make use of their knowledge instead of actors and tv personalities! Also other fields of study out there that people have knowledge of but we only listen to them! and you know most of usa(uuuu sa, get it) do it!

So now Gayle King is the new hero, okay, she knew exactly what he was doing and she knew how to handle it, some of us women know how to do exactly what Gayle King did, but admire the heck out of her for it, man that woman did not even move, so see how you do it, women! and men! you do not look at them, you do not respond, you shame them, it works!!

Really Vietnam vets they are patronizing you, not giving you respect, so do not do it anymore, let them parade You around, so damaged by what they did to you, IT IS A SETUP!!

How dare they!! Has no one noticed that this is demeaning to the men and WOMEN( NOTICE THEY LEAVE OUT THE WOMEN THAT WERE THERE OR DID SOMEONE FORGET??)!

@Larry-new Larry our parents went thru the depression and then WW2, they had PTSD and you name it, I am not dishing what they did, my mother served also, they were so stressed out, and anytime people have such trauma in their lives it always manifests itself, one way or the other, then Korea, honestly, we seem to manage to try and kill off every generation with these constant wars!!

and Larry if they sent you there, I can only say my heart breaks for what I know you had to endure, just glad you are still alive and have no plans to leave earth due to the trauma if, as so many of us have!!

also their parents had WW1 and then the depression, my grandfather died at age 41, he had been gassed in WW1. so more trauma!! and it did manifest to their children, our parents, they have a name for it: HISTORICAL TRAUMA!

@Larry-new There actually is a memorial , I don't live all that far from the campus , and have seen it first hand []

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