8 6

Notice that the 1% in politics and business has been hit with Covid19? Think they will be more open to expanded Public Health and Medicare for All now?

Krish55 8 Mar 13
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No, because they can afford good health insurance. They. Don't really care about the peons. For them, it is all about accumulating mass wealth to ride put the future collapses.

Actually, the 1% don't even bother with health insurance. They self pay for their health care and for them it is pocket change.


I doubt it. They can’t stand it when poor people get any help, so even though they may be sick themselves, they will still refuse to accept the fact that ALL people should be able to get help and testing for this virus.


Eat the rich, but only if they are not infected...


You have to be kidding. Do you really think the Government, which is actually our representatives, are going to actually do something for those who work and contribute to the wealthy? And Congress?



ArthurK Level 6 Mar 13, 2020

Those that are not insured will potentially infect many people.

MizJ Level 8 Mar 13, 2020

I don't it will thank it will affect the 1% but smart people in the middle class may come to realize that without a universal health care system their own health is in danger from a pandemic.

Lorajay Level 9 Mar 13, 2020

The crucial group to affect is those in the top 10%, the comfortable controller/professional class. They tend to vote against the interests of the lower classes, but epidemics like this may get them to vote for single payer out of self interest so things like this don't end up hurting them. Unlike the 1%, they don't live in the same kind of bubble with their own planes and compounds.

What middle class?


Not a fucking chance, may they All die horribly..

Charlene Level 9 Mar 13, 2020
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