6 15

Virginia. Doing exactly what any fully Democrat-based governing body should do. From abortion, sane gun laws, criminal justice reform, 100% renewable energy by 2050, and more. Northam can't sign progressive policy fast enough. These are all within the last week:

Northam Signs Bill Rolling Back Abortion Restrictions

Northam Signs Bills Making Voting Easier

Northam Signs Bill For Minimum Wage Increase and Other Workers' Rights

Northam Signs LGBTQ Anti-discrimination Bill, Removal Of Confederate Monuments

Northam Signs Gun Restriction Legislation

Renewable Energy Mandate

SeaGreenEyez 9 Apr 13
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He should be running for president, not Biden who will do his utmost to stop all that.

Jolanta Level 9 Apr 14, 2020

Imagine that, a state government that is not bought off and responsive only to business and big money. Here in Iowa we have had both parties in charge at one time or another in my adult life, and each time neither one does anything really progressive when it comes to the environment, tax policy, or worker rights. Both parties are just too bought off by pretty much the same groups and people.

@SeaGreenEyez Yup, our corporate media in America is totally united in keeping that secret, which is why the best news sources about American politics and government policy tend to be foreign news sources like The Guardian in the UK or Al-Jezzera.

@SeaGreenEyez You're right about that, sad but true. Too bad that so few people are able and willing to put in that kind of work, time, and effort to be that informed. That's why we have so many sheeple and such poor politics in the US. I also visit and news and opinion site called Commondreams.Org . It is considered a progressive site.


That's all good stuff!!


😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 love this man!!


It will be interesting to see whether or not he can be re elected.

Lorajay Level 9 Apr 14, 2020


bobwjr Level 10 Apr 14, 2020
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