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Tell me again how waiting for the perfect candidate and wasting your vote is smart.

glennlab 10 Oct 3
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False choice. Maybe we should start paying attention to why we don't have a better boat in the first place so we wouldn't have to use the life raft.

unfortunately when you are out to sea already, it is too late to change your boat. You can argue all you want about why we shouldn't be here, but the reality is that we are and the only thing we can do is try to take the best of bad options.

@glennlab But the Dems magically keep insisting there is never an appropriate time to seek radical change in the system, so that way they can conveniently excuse their lesser evil approach cycle after cycle. I don't buy it and it's a bullshit cover for a policy they have been promoting ever since the DLC was created in the late 80s.

@TomMcGiverin And what did you say when you went to the state convention to change that attitude? If you didn't say anything there, then you are just as much to blame as anyone. The party is not some group of them, it is us the people. Just like people that complain about the DNC and have no idea that most memebers are elected by the people, not some magical group. Tell me what you have done to change what you are compaining about.


@glennlab How about you tell me why I should vote for a person I do not approve of.

Voting in our system is about chosing the better of two candidates. You vote for the person that comes closer to your values. any other choice is voting for the person you dislike more.

@glennlab not so much the better of the two, but the lesser of two evils., The principal is the same. Any vote for a third party or abstaining in a major election is nothing less than a vote for the worse of the evils. In this country , third party votes are only not wasted in small local races where a high enough portion of the population is like minded enough to stand a real chance. Voting just to make a like a 4 year old holding their breath to get their way...never works. Even Bernie has enough sense to know he has to work within the system.

@glennlab Your statement is just that, your statement. Where is it written that our system is about choosing the better of two candidates? The answer is nowhere, and in fact many elections gave more than two choices.

@wolf041 Voting for the lesser of two evils is not a choice and may in fact be a poor alternative. In the last Presidential election I very much disliked Hillary and Trump. I probably could have spent months trying to decide which of them was the worst. I chose a better alternative. I didn't vote for either, but did vote for all other offices.

@Alienbeing The simple fact is that it takes a minimum level of weasel to be involved in politics at all , regardless of how much one might like someone's platform, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” . Not voting i just because what is available isn't progressive enough or nazi enough or whatever is actively enabling the opposite force. Politics is all about compromise. Obama is a great talker, but weak negotiator, but was better than the alternative. Hillary has all the charisma of a loaf of bread at walmart, bit is a superb negotiator ( I live in Arkansas and watched the Clinton's working together to bring this from 3rd world America to a rather high standard of living , and what was becoming an overall progressive attitude till the right wingers stepped in) and we would not be in this current mess if she had won . Even Bush2 would have had enough sense to manage the current disaster effectively ( sorry, I think I just threw up a little, but have to give credit where due). I would simply love to see Bernie president, but the country isn't ready. He has done more to move the attitudes forward by trying, and then slipping back into the mechanism so society can absorb the ideas . Instead of only facing off with the mainstream, he actively works to advance what is mainstream. With people like that who remain engaged, it won't happen overnight, but we will move things forward. . Think where we would be if hardcore conservatives hadn't won by default due to various third party runs and apathy from Nader on.

@wolf041 You are entitled to your opinion, which I think is nothing more than rationalization.


People make no sense to me. It’s why I prefer cats.

Well, I prefer dogs, but the principle is the same. 😁

The more I see of inhuman behavior by people, the more I like cats..

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