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House Scrambles to Find New Social Network After Twitter Ban

Twitter and Facebook’s decision to ban President Trump just days before the end of his term, has sparked a fierce political backlash among his most fervent allies, sending some of his supporters and House staffers - scrambling to find another potent tool the President can still use, to communicate online.

In fact, word has it, some House staffers have leaked that the President has been frantically combing through his Rolodex, desperately trying to locate his old MySpace password. Now, while I’m certainly no expert password decoder, my guess is that it’s “yourefired!”

Analysts say that sadly, if that doesn’t work, then Tinder might be his last and final resort. Either that, or give him some colorful pieces of chalk, and let him scribble angry messages at detractors on the sidewalk, in front of the Washington Times office building.

Meanwhile, some of his old pals like Lindsey Graham are outraged at the social media ban, complaining that "The Ayatollah can tweet, but Trump can’t.” Adding that, this sure “says a lot about the people who run Twitter.” Well, no Lindsey - not really. It actually says a lot more about Donald Trump.

This, in turn, has other Trump loyalists asking indignantly - “well, does Vladimir Putin still have a Twitter account?” Well, the simple answer to that is - he used to, but it got shut down. Don’t you remember? That account was called @realDonaldTrump.

Anyway, in the spirit of reconciliation, perhaps we should cut the poor guy some slack.” I mean, this is just “Donald being Donald.” Give him some time, he’ll eventually grow into the presidency, and start acting presidential. Quit being so cynical. After all, he’s still got a week and a half left.


johnnyrobish 8 Jan 10
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He should start his own network! Oh, wait, Parler tried that....

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