The Oklahoma Attorney General’s Office has been unsuccessfully attempting to return their $2 million stockpile of malaria drug hydroxychloroquine to their supplier, a drug once touted by former President Trump and Fox News as a treatment for the coronavirus. At the time of the purchase, Gov. Kevin Stitt claimed the drug was an effective treatment for Covid-19, but critics say his decision to purchase was really based upon trying to curry favor with Donald Trump.
Wow, as Seinfeld’s Soup Nazi would have likely put it - “No refunds for you!” That said, all is not lost. Look, hydroxychloroquine is a malaria drug, after all, so all Oklahoma needs to do - is simply import millions of malaria-infected mosquitos into Oklahoma, then release them into the general population, and now you’ve got the very drug needed to treat it - right on hand. Pure genius!
And then, when the malaria threat is finally under control, Republicans can portray themselves as insightful heroes for being perceptive enough to purchase all of that hydroxychloroquine. Why, it’s a win-win for everyone - at least for all of Oklahoma’s Republican politicians, that is. Hell, I’d even take it one step further, and consider paying Gov. Stitt's salary in hydroxychloroquine vials - to help defray costs.
Now, with that said - I do kind of feel a wee-bit sorry for Gov. Stitt. I mean, if you can’t trust getting your medical advice from a bankrupt grifter and former reality TV star, then who can you trust? So now, in trying to please his cult leader Donald Trump, Gov. Stitt seems to have gotten himself caught up in a really big “Stitt-storm.”
Well they are ready for the upcoming malaria epidemic trump was predicting, which will just go away.
Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []
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