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Doesn't seem fair does it?

glennlab 10 Feb 3
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McDonalds was never intended to be a career.

Alienbeing Level 8 Feb 17, 2021

Not a career, but at least a living wage, the majority of Mcdonalds workers are over 30.

@glennlab "workers over 30", working at McDonalds for any extended period of time sound like that is their career.

@Alienbeing Why do you believe that people don't deserve to earn a living wage no matter their age? I spend over 50 years in management, but the absolute hardest, most dangerous job I ever had was in fast food. Why don't you believe that people have more value than CEOs?

@glennlab Why do you think I think poeple don't deserve to earn a living "no matter their age"? I never said or implied such thing. I said McDonalds was never intended to be a career. Those that work there and think it is a career are wrong.

Your comment about people verses CEO's is equally strange. Nothing I said even approaches that topic.

I'll make it real simple for you. Fast Food restaurant ARE NOT intended to be careers. Anyone who works there thinking they are on a career path is mistaken. That is the entirety of what I said and stand by.

@Alienbeing So it is only a career if youi say it is, I wish I was smart enough to determine what everybody should do with their lives.

@glennlab I have no clue what you mean when you say "So it is only a career if youi say it is". I never addressed what was or was not a career. What the hell are you talking about?

Now to establish what I think is a career.... it is when a person stays in a certain vocation for, let's say over 5 years. I'm not married to the 5 year number, but hopefully you get the point.


No shit

bobwjr Level 10 Feb 3, 2021

Have you educated yourself to the level of being a CEU???

@BTHT How does that affect wage?

@BTHT Everyone has an opportunity to be educated.


Republicans and corporate Democrats working hard or at least contributing to making America a 3rd world country and burning the planet as a bonus.

gigihein Level 8 Feb 3, 2021

Doesn't make sense at all. The current minimum wage is lower in real dollars than it's ever been in it's history.

Theresa_N Level 8 Feb 3, 2021

Adjusted for inflation, the real average wages of Americans topped out in 1973, when I was 15 and the minimum wage was something like about $2.65 an hour. I know and remember that because I worked at a McDonald's around then and that was what I earned.

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