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When Democrats Embrace Christian Nationalism, What Then?

This afternoon, the latest episode of the podcast Stop Christian Nationalism is online. This episode challenges us to confront the Christian Nationalism that's present in the Democratic Party even as we stand against the rampant Christian Nationalism in the GOP.

Listen in on Apple Podcasts and directly on the Stop Christian Nationalism website.

CliffordCook 6 Sep 5
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The Democrats were Christian Nationalists. 1876-1968

barjoe Level 9 Sep 6, 2022

Democrats are still doing Christian Nationalism. Joe Biden's speech last week:

"“I ran for President because I believed we were in a battle for the soul of this nation. I still believe that to be true. I believe the soul is the breath, the life, and the essence of who we are. The soul is what makes us us. The soul of America is defined by the sacred proposition that all are created equal in the image of god... The greatest nation on the face of the Earth, we just need to remember who we are. We are the United States of America, the United States of America, and may god protect our nation, and may god protect all those who stand watch over our democracy. God bless you all.”

@CliffordCook It's not Christian Nationalism just because he invoked God.

@barjoe I disagree with you. Biden did much more than just saying the word "god".

Christian Nationalism is a political religious ideology that holds that the United States was founded by the Christian god as a Christian nation, and that this identity must be upheld through prominent displays of Christianity at all levels of government. Christian Nationalism claims that the United States is fundamentally a religious entity, not a secular creation of human beings. Christian Nationalists describe their political efforts as part of a religious war in which they put on the "full armor of god".

Joe Biden embraced this Christian Nationalist frame by asserting that the United States is now in the midst of a religious battle for its soul.

Biden declared that America is defined by a "sacred proposition" of its "soul" that has made it the "greatest nation on the face of the Earth." This is Christian Nationalism. He's further defining Americans as creations of the Christian god, which places us in the dominionist frame of Christian Nationalism that holds that because we are the creations of this god, we don't have our own distinct human sovereignty. The Constitution and laws that we enact are subservient to the dominion of the Christian god.

Biden further embraces and promotes the Christian Nationalist frame that what happens in American politics happens because the Christian god is controlling it all, that we depend as a nation upon the protection of the Christian god.

Joe Biden is adopting the Christian Nationalist perspective that views the President not as a secular office holder, but as a religious patriarch who has the power and responsibility of bestowing blessings.

Biden's Christian Nationalist language within this speech also supports the claim that the office of the Presidency, along with the federal government that the President directs, is a Christian domain, not secular. Biden's language demonstrates disdain for separation of church and state and the establishment clause of the First Amendment.

Biden's language is speaking from the Christian Nationalist perspective, and it undermines the efforts of Americans who believe in secular law and democracy.


Is that when hell freezes?

yvilletom Level 8 Sep 6, 2022

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