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Children of Donbass----Growing up under Ukrainian artillery fire

For eight years the children of Donbass have lived under Ukrainian fire, separated from their parents and robbed of their childhood. “When children play in the evening, and there is shelling, they can already tell when the shelling is farther away and when it is closer. Some shout: 'It's not us they're shelling now, it's further away! In Donetsky, Artyom Street is being shelled.' Well, we're getting used to it,” says one of the residents. Children recognise the sound of shelling and know when to run to the basements. But it is not always possible to outrun the shells, and the death of children has become all too commonplace in Donbass. Many of them had to grow up quickly when they lost ther parents to the bombings. Some had no close relatives or friends to go to and ended up in orphanages, learning to live and deal with their trauma on their own. Their stories — in the new documentary


William_Mary 8 Sep 9
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Sad that the only solution Russia could come up with was to bomb Ukrainian children in return

Russia has gone through great lengths to avoid civilian deaths which have resulted in higher than usual deaths in soldiers. Compared to how western wars go by bombarding entire cities into rubble where 10s of thousands are left dead before sending in troops.

Missing the reason why is what is sad. Like this ever being allowed and manufactured by western governments. Which created a need for this operation to finally have to take place after 8 years of allowing it to continue. The fact that the Donbass region had to spend those 8 years defending themselves with militia made up of their own citizenship from all walks of life, highly effecting their lives in other regards. Who were highly over powered in regards to weapons in 2014. Who are now overwhelming welcoming the help from Russia and Chechen fighters who are going to great lengths to preserve their citizenship while losing their comrades. Along with foreign volunteers. And the many independent journalist who spent those 8 years attempting to bring this war to the attention or the world. Some having lost their lives and now on a hit list of Zenlensky. Some having already been killed and tortured. Some having been criminalized in their home countries for speaking out about it as their work has been suppressed from the world citizenship. In which we can only find the truth from sources like RT along with the other sides of the story our MSCMs won't divulge on.

These are Russia's children. Many have families in Russia. Many have been fleeing to Russia for 8 years. Many have been welcomed in Russia and given free aide and roofs over their heads for 8 years. Many Russian businesses have been the only means of humanitarian aide going into the region. The aide you're seeing talk about in our news isn't going to these people.

Quite frankly, no one really knows where or who that aide is going to. Along with the money and weapons being sent there. Our own US military and DOD even claims they have no accountability towards any of this as it's being reported much of it is being sold on the dark net and on the black market.

As I just started to watch the release of the entire documentary, it opened up with parts in the trailer. Smacking me in the face right out of the gate was the accounts of 2 children from that trailer who's testimony should make you feel ashamed. Ashamed for attempting to place wrong doing on Russia and for not comprehending the experience of the children to do so. As they explain who the genuine tyrants are and commend those defending them. But you like so many indoctrinated into a false narrative can't break free from it even long enough to acknowledge what they are truly experiencing.

Wow no wonder people don't bother to read or comment on your posts.

@LenHazell53 don't be butt hurt, to long. Did you expect me to just crawl into a hole allowing that unwarranted rhetoric to pass for others to be indoctrinated into? Obvious another thing you miss, that's what I'm fighting against.

If people don't read my work, comment, or use the provided button for approval or dislike, it's a potential of them being indoctrinated themselves or fearing retribution from the hoards of those who lack critical thinking in many regards. I have a number of people who read my work that I know share my views and opinions or collectively close to who don't either. Some just occasionally make comments and or use the button.

I assure you have have gone around the block with many over the years who have either gave up and or seemingly left the site. It's a sad hard truth many end up facing when they find I've been right all along and to save face they disappear. When you can actually provide a substantial debate using history and facts, that time and time again tend to reach results I project a successful conjecture on, it tends to silence some people. Some end up committing tantrums of anger and disrespect enough times to get themselves banned from the site. Because they know no other way than the rhetoric they've been taught on social medias. Your excuse ........ <<< there.

Especially since Biden ran for office there has been a number of people I can think of who have grown silent or seemingly left the site, at least never seen on post. As I and a number of people in my group correctly outlined what his presidency would become, as they fell over themselves defending and or overlooking all his past crimes and unethical practices. He and his administration he built fulfilled the scenario of the pit of hells minions we described as I and some others picked them apart one by one as they were announced for potential cabinet members. I can see why so many have fallen silent or left. I know the embarrassment all to well as someone who staunchly advocated for the con artist Bernie Sanders in 2016. Only I didn't run from my mistrials. I admitted to being conned then I picked myself up and simply added him to the list of capitalist collaborators. Along with the squad and fake socialist and progressive's behind him, along with the organizations advocating for him.

Just look what has become of our country since Biden has taken office! Hell, look at what the world has become. Ask the European citizenship how they feel today about Biden and the US. As they wallow through their worst times since WWll under the exploitation of his policies and sanctions as the international ruling class are pillaging from them madly with no end in sight. You yourself are indoctrinated into false Russia rhetoric. Which seemingly means you're acceptable to the funding and support of a fascist government laying waste to its citizenship to provide geopolitical strategy for a western agenda that doesn't give a rats ass for that citizenship? They're expendable. While their oligarchy and politicians are making out like fat rats off our backs in which they'll all have places to retreat to when it's all said and done, either way it goes. The country isn't going to win. And just like after WWll, the fascist will be afforded a means out of their crimes and out of the country if needed.

Biden has essentially continued virtually every policy Trump left behind. In most cases those are worse today and the media is silent on all of them as Ukraine and our own unstable economy has become a distraction. Absolutely nothing has been genuinely addresses towards securing a strong society or moving forwards. Only more obstructions have been built that our society is paying dearly for.

Thank you for your comment. It actually fits a post I'm currently working on from a Johnstone article. I can't control what others do or how they think. I can only provide my own version of propaganda from my own developed opinions. I have a long history of being a news buff especially in regards to foreign issues. Sometimes people just can't handle the truth, especially when it challenges their own sense of reality and country. I think I do a decent job of correlating history to todays events for an arm chair amateur political commentator with an agenda to guide people to the professionals. It's a tough job when the reality is stuck behind a curtain that the perception management narrative controllers hold the strings to prevent people from discovery. Getting people to pull that string to expose the delusional reality they're in is tough.

In This Disaster We Are All, Ultimately, Innocent


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