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In This Disaster We Are All, Ultimately, Innocent

That frustration often turns to disgust as people discover that not only do others fail to see what they see, but they actively avoid looking at it even if you point it out to them. You can lay out the evidence for the corruption and unsustainability of status quo politics and the omnicidal, ecocidal depravity of oligarchic imperialism — lay it out right under their noses — and they’ll make up excuses to turn away.

That's all negative human behavior ultimately is: mistakes that were made due to a lack of consciousness. A lack of empathy, a lack of serenity, a lack of information, a lack of insight, a lack of knowledge that there are better choices, a lack of perception on what's really going on in the world, a lack of clarity on the ways propaganda manipulates us into serving the interests of the powerful — these are all just different kinds of unconsciousness. Different ways that one can fail to accurately perceive reality.


I use Caitlin Johnstone's work in Out of the Illusion fairly often. I have a love hate thing going on with her. She's from Australia and her primary bitch is directed at the US. And she's great at doing it in regards to being correct. But she rarely correlates her own country to the same type of horrific history and its collaboration with western governments to todays problems on the world stage. The few times she does it's never in regards to the same detailed manor she uses against us, which would indicate just how horrific her country has been regarding crimes on humanity and unethical practices. Both against their indigenous people and abroad throughout their history. She's quite dissenting light on her own homeland.

This particular article is another good one from Johnstone though and leads to something that must be said. Which correlates to the paragraphs above as the lead in to the link. The reason I dissect the Ukraine conflict, given it most of my attention all these months, is because within it holds virtually every issue and problem that the world society faces. Crimes and unethical practices of our governments. And that especially holds true for us here in the US. Virtually every fucking thing that we have thrown at us to divide and or distract us by our medias and representatives has been intertwined into this conflict. Which should have us all recognizing we have major problems on all fronts of our society. Europe is ablaze with protest on multiple fronts daily. And they are growing daily. I'll just leave that right there for you to ponder on or step over.

William_Mary 8 Sep 11
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