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I'm concerned with the design of this group that posts by the Admin seem to be permanently pinned to the top, whereas in the Liberal / Progressive group, the posts are purely chronological, with no preference to the Admin's published opinions.

Is there a possibility of changing this formatting problem?

CliffordCook 6 Sep 14
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I prefer the Liberal Progressive group format to this one.


It’s the prerogative of the host/originator to have the option of pinning certain posts to the top….it’s the same in every group, but not every host decides to take advantage of that feature.

It doesn't seem to serve the group well.

@CliffordCook if that is your opinion, start your own group AND stop dropping in on the ones that annoy you......duhhhh

@CliffordCook I can’t see that it has been an impediment to the smooth running of the groups….and as someone who has been here considerably longer than you, a relative newbie, I’d just offer a word of advice…….which is. - if it ain’t broke don’t try and fix it!

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