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Bye-bye, Kiev, hello Cote d’Azur: As Westerners send aid, here’s how Ukraine’s corrupt elites are profiting from the conflict

Officials and oligarchs have diverted much of the financial support sent to Kiev


{He mentions that the parents and relatives of Zelensky and his wife all left the country. His predecessor, former President Pyotr Poroshenko, moved not just his children but also about a billion US dollars in cash to the UK.

The sympathy of Westerners towards a country at war is understandable. But while some countries are doing their utmost to aid Ukraine – even while facing an economic crisis themselves – corrupt Ukrainian officials are using the funding to amass personal fortunes and live the high life at fancy resorts. And all at the expense of taxpayers in the West.

In 2015, Arseny Yatseniuk, upon leaving the post of the prime minister, openly declared that he had become a billionaire. It is yet to be seen how many new Ukrainian super rich tycoons – nurtured by foreign military aid – will appear in the West by the end of the conflict.}

I would bet he and his family are living quite comfortable in The Little City of London. I bought this up in regards to Russian oligarchs and their riches as they were being hypocritically sanctioned. And there will be virtually nothing for them to go back to. A new breed of criminal oligarchs will begin to grow off the vast austerity measures that will come. Against a citizenship now living under an authoritarian fascist government with basically no representation, democracy, or rights.

Ukraine doesn't actually need representation in the country. Zelensky banned any remaining opposition parties shortly after Feb. I believe it was 12 parties. The parties and those of that didn't instantly feel the wrath of fascism after the 2014 overthrow took leave in Feb out of fear of being falsely accused of crimes and being assassinated as those in 2014 were. These stories have been slowly coming out for months. Anyone still not seeing the initiators of this organized crime spree are simply to indoctrinated to think for themselves. This entire fiasco is simply another massive turn over of tax dollars from the world citizenship to ruling class oligarchs and chosen politicians that helped to pull this crime off. Including Biden, Kerry, and their sons.

As with all mis/disinformation that has come from Ukraine, and in regards of supporting Ukraine from the west, all of it has been debunked in the past. As this week also, verified by CBS and the NYT in regards to Hunter Biden's lap top. This has all been one major manufactured delusional shit show to manufacture Russia as an enemy of the world. When Russia, quite frankly, has more concern for our well being than any representative the US has for us. Or yours if you're in another westernized country. But then a large degree of you most likely already know that better than the majority of those in the most indoctrinated country on the planet in regards to the US.


William_Mary 8 Nov 25
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Biden lies so much, I don't think I have ever heard him say anything without some lie included. The idiots in Washington are supplying Ukraine with all kinds of weapons, and many of these weapons will end up in unintended places. Three major corporations bought millions of acres of land in Ukraine immediately after the coup . . . .
The Republican party is just as much into the war-for-profit scemes as the democrats, so it is clear that this shit show will comtinue until either another party is created, or a fucking revolution, and I think I would prefer the latter, because trying to change the system from within is hopeless.

That's an interesting article in regards to Ukraine agriculture. It's rather deceptive though, as it seems to be more like a PR ad. Obviously it isn't surprising these world banks and the top 3 agriculture companies "swooped" in after the 2014 coup. No doubt it came with the deal from the Obama-Biden administration. It's actually admitted in the article.

{Ukraine would ultimately align with the East or with the West. The crisis led to the deposition of then-President Viktor Yanukovych and the subsequent signing of an Association
Agreement with the West.}

A narrative being set that Ukraine is one of the fastest-growing agricultural markets in the world and an important player in the global food security is rather absurd. Ukraine has been a major supplier of especially wheat longer than I can recall. A century at least. Along with mining, agriculture has long been its major attribute and contribution to the economy. Long before the region was even given the name of Ukraine.

Another deceptive narrative would be the mention of deregulation. I imagine that's essentially code for these 3 industries to introduce their genetically engineered seeds and fertilizers. Which will ultimately begin destroying the fertile rich black soil over time that farmers for centuries didn't use.

{While all three companies have been in Ukraine for quite some time, their investments in the
country have grown significantly over the past few years. For instance, Cargill has been in
Ukraine for more than 20 years.29 Their activities include, but are not limited to, the sale of
pesticides, seeds, and fertilizers.30 In recent years, they have expanded their agricultural
investments to include additional grain storage, an animal nutrition company, and a stake in

It isn't any different than overthrowing or invading a country for oil. Quite frankly, even trade agreements. Which in regards to trade agreements, the first goal is to exploit and kill off family farming communities. Farming communities are wiped out, the seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides kill the soil, and the various type of previous seeds are eliminated, farmers can't produce for their families and suicides start. As the article indicates, these companies will lease out the farming. The farmers no longer have control or say on the profit margins. DO you think these corporations will do any better for them than they've done on the world stage in the past? How did the farmers lose the land in the first place? What did they get in return for the land?

It has been a recycled occurrence throughout Mexico, India, and Africa where the soils are harder to grow in. Africa is currently being devastated due to the inability to grow their own food right now along with sanctions to get grain in from Russia. The grain that was to go there from Ukraine has been highjacked by the EU. Mexico, fertilizers.

As those in Ukraine, and many of the various types of political commentators who opposed the 2014 coup say, Ukraine was handed off to corporations and corrupt politicians on a plater.

Thank you for posting that!

@William_Mary That's a great, cogent, critical comment, thank you too!


A report on ABC Australia had the US giving $25 billion in aid and the UK $5 billion to Ukraine this year. The next biggest donor is a country mile away (Germany I think.......not sure). A reason I had a bit of a rant awhile back that this is a white privilege, English speaking war as the rest of Europe understand that Ukraine is a basket case country ie not so clear cut as Western media proclaims.
Whoever blew up Nord Stream is no friend of Europe as it was a direct attack on European infrastructure.

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