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Know Thine Enemy

The expedited legislation passed by Congress to avert a strike by railroad unions dealt one more blow in the decades long war waged by the two ruling parties against the working class.


{They promised to raise the minimum wage. They failed. They promised a national paid family and medical leave program allowing all employees to take up to 12 weeks of paid time off. It never happened. They promised to impose a federal tax rate on corporations ranging from 21 percent to 28 percent, so that “wealthy Americans and big corporations pay their fair share.” The proposed tax increase was scuttled. They promised to pass legislation to ensure that super PACs “are wholly independent of campaigns and political parties.” It went nowhere. They then mounted a midterm election campaign, which cost both parties a staggering $16.7 billion and was funded by massive infusions of PAC money.}

{Why does any legislator believe railroad workers should be forced to use what few vacation days they may have if they fall sick and request permission to be absent days in advance, as if illnesses are scheduled events? Congress members and their staff do not work under these conditions.}

I learned all to well what this one is like. In February I had a spell where I passed nearly half, if not more, a gallon of blood out of my ass. It forcefully thrust out of me uncontrollably as a thick liquid as I fell in the hallway passing out as I tried to get to the bathroom. Mary said it looked like red lava erupting out of my ass all over the floor. I gave all I could to mentally keep conscious and continue to craw to the toilet. Where I ultimately passed out.The doctors were torn between diverticulitis and possibly a ruptured hemorrhoid. I'm fairly certain it was caused by the covid vaccine I received as they admitted they couldn't rule that out. I questioned them with the knowledge I know from the statistics that highly resembled the terrifying moment I went through that first night. I was forced to use my vacation days until my short term disability insurance kicked in. Which was extended when they fucked up the paperwork. I was off all of that month using my vacations days. Then it flared up into another infection where I was off most of April. I've been essentially forced to work the rest of the year without being able to take a break as April ate up all but 1 of my remaining vacation days. I'm mentally and physically spent to be frank. Which can't be good for my health either. But then no one really cares about that anyways.

William_Mary 8 Dec 4
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