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Rage Against The War Machine Speech

Hedges spoke at the Washington DC rally on Feb. 19 alongside an array of other notable speakers.


{A society that prohibits the capacity to speak in truth extinguishes the capacity to live in justice.}

And those who deny this negative attribute we face, whether blissfully or purposely, are complicit in this purposely managed crime. The crimes of the compliant western MSCMs and multiple MSMs have been exposed for a number of decades. The continued reliance on them is simply a measure of complicity in their crimes today.

There are a some political awarenesses being made in regards to who lead this protest. That even question Hedges, and others, purpose for attending. While I use and comment on many of his articles, they deliver well deserved observations. I've had my own issues with some of Hedges works in the past myself. WSWS makes the most notable correlations that resemble a debauchery.

The “Rage Against the War Machine” rally: A reactionary political freak show

{The Libertarian Party provided the main political line of the rally, with the buildup of speakers concluding with Libertarian candidate Ron Paul. McArdle and the “Mises Caucus” of which she is a member is closely associated with the efforts of the Libertarians to orient to right-wing militia groups.

The continuous ranting of the reactionary tropes of right-wing populism gave the event a distinctly anti-Semitic slant. One speaker after the march to the White House declared that the conflict was “a Zionist war against the Slavic people.” McArdle, who promoted the rally last week on Infowars, run by the fascist conspiracist Alex Jones, has invited and defended anti-Semitic speakers to Libertarian Party events.

Pacifist journalist and author Chris Hedges, having evolved politically from warning of the fascist threat in the United States to promoting the unity of left and right, opened the event with a sermon intended to provide benediction for the speakers who would follow.

Hedges, along with Max Blumenthal of the Grayzone, Jill Stein of the Green Party, and comedian Jimmy Dore and a few others were there to give a progressive gloss to the “left-right” coalition and legitimize the extreme right. Their principal message was that unity with the fascistic right was permissible and should be actively pursued. Those who oppose collaboration with the right are viewed as political enemies.

The visceral hostility to opponents of “left-right unity” was recorded in various video clips of Hedges and Blumenthal, in conversations before the start of the rally, denouncing the World Socialist Web Site.

This anger against the defense of principled socialist politics erupted in the speech of Dore. He devoted most of his remarks to a thinly-veiled denunciation of the World Socialist Web Site for opposing unity with the fascists. In the case of Dore, alliance with the right is not only a tactic. It is an expression of his own political views. Dore advanced the position of the far right on the COVID-19 pandemic, denouncing public health measures and vaccines. At one point he declared that “they” want me “to hate my neighbor for the pain I am feeling because of that because they wouldn’t take a vaccine that didn’t work the way they said it did in the first fking place.” He added, “Eat boosters you mother fkers.”

At one point, Dore bizarrely asked, “Why are we sending that money to Nazis in Ukraine when we could be funding Nazis here in America struggling to buy eggs?”}

This isn't Dore's first time of aligning with fascism either. The article goes on to deliver multiple accounts of disingenuous observations of debauchery.

The rally itself more than confirmed this appraisal.

As the World Socialist Web Site wrote last week:

In the final analysis, the right-wing pseudo-opposition to war represents a dispute within the ruling class over certain aspects of foreign policy. One can find on the Internet no shortage of ex-military personnel, entirely fascistic in their outlook, who believe that the present war in Ukraine is a distraction from other pressing issues confronting the American ruling class, such as the merciless removal of undocumented immigrants from the United States and preparations for a future war with China.

The role of the “Rage Against the War Machine” rally is not to develop a movement against imperialist war, but to confuse and disorient young people. -----


Why The Rage Against The War Machine Rally Is #AntiWarSoWhite

I’m looking at this Rage Against The War Machine rally that is being organized by the Libertarian Party and I am genuinely confused about how folks on the left are involved in this at all. Oh, I understand the need to revive and mobilize a strong not just anti-war movement, but an anti–imperialist and people-centered human rights movement, so sure, sometimes we’re going to have to organize with people we don’t agree 100% on everything with. But THESE people?


Seemingly this resembles the typical collaboration of our 2 party duopoly. Where ideologies collide in a false manufactured arena and never manage to reach a beneficial outcome for the people they claim to serve. The mixture of participants are another measure of chaos. The only thing missing was a suicide bomber and or a violent riot breaking out. This day however was essentially a singular event that correlates with (keep your enemies close) Next week they'll be writing about each other negatively again. For a day, or so, they drank the blood of millions together. As the reserves are being refreshed from Ukraine. This day they betrayed and pissed on years to decades of their own work. Resembling our MSCMs and the vast majority of MSMs.

I've often asked why some of these people go on and on but never attempt to lead us towards unity. They are after all in the best position of any to form a group and movement with all their knowledge and recorded history of crimes and political illusions we're trapped in. But what did we truly get from this protest? They seemingly, collectively, attacked the very entities and sources that virtually correlate to their work, along with the far right attributes. Marxism and the WSWS. Hypocrisy doesn't seem to come any clearer. They collaboratively supported far right capitalism and its hegemony. Fascism.

Quite frankly this is another disturbing betrayal by many reaching along the lines of Bernie Sanders betrayal. Heartbreaking.....

William_Mary 8 Feb 20
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