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It's growingly disheartening to continue to attempt to unite people in regards to understanding the delusional reality so many continue to ignore and support. My journey started after the betrayal of Bernie Sanders on his funding supporters in 2016. In which I spent all of that year advocating for him, primarily on facehack. This recent debauchery that took place in DC where a number of leftist, progressives, and pacifist, joining with various members of fascist ideologist including a far right party that were the essential organizers of the protest, is highly questionable to time being wasted. A fair degree of some of these people's past work have been part of my resources to deliver the history and truth of this delusional reality. In which they have now seemingly exposed themselves as nothing more than an extension of the same type of information debaucherist seeking a glorification of their own with no intended direction other than person gain, as we get from all our MSMs and representation. It's truly disgusting of them and the many who know this and do nothing. Or worse, attempt to excuse it. Whether it be along party lines or comfortability. To have allied with the sorts who would turn on a dime to eliminate them and their spoken preferred world social ideologies and hegemony projects an astounding state of confusion and hypocrisy.

William_Mary 8 Feb 22
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