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Volunteers for Victory----Russian 'men-on-the-street' join fight against Ukrainian nationalists

These Russian men couldn’t just stand and watch when their country needed them. Every day, hundreds of ordinary men volunteer for the Special Military Operation in Ukraine. From Siberia to Krasnodar region, volunteers from all walks of life are stepping up. Why are they willing to fight? Can a 60-year-old man or someone with no military experience volunteer to serve?

The documentary tells the stories of four men who volunteered to join the Russian armed forces to take part in the special military operation. See how volunteer battalions are formed, what combat training is like and how men like programmers, businessmen and labourers make the decision. Some say they had previous combat experience and couldn’t remain idle. Others expected to be drafted but never were, so they volunteered. “Volunteers for Victory” also reveals the Salavat Yulayev battalion, “BARS-16”, a Kuban cossack unit and the “Tiger” battalion.


These men join because they have a realistic sense of patriotism. Not because of a manufactured glorification of a false illusion and history. Or because of a falsely manufactured economy that has purposely diminished their country's employment and educational opportunities. In which those in the US are often betrayed in regards of promises made when they joined. Especially after coming home when they've been injured. Forgotten and abandoned. Realizing their comrades died for lies. They join because fascism is closing in on their homeland. They witnessed it happen to their previous republics since the collapse of the USSR. Their relatives and citizens who share their bloodline have lived to long through an 8 year long genocide campaign. Their culture, religions, languages, history, and country are facing unjust attempts of annihilation. Witness what real patriotism is with these men and their families.

William_Mary 8 Mar 19
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