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Comparing Two U.S.-Government Catastrophes: Bush’s 2003 Invasion of Iraq, and Obama’s 2014 Coup in Ukraine

The U.S. Government lied its way into invading and destroying Iraq in 2003, and the U.S. Government lied throughout and since its 2014 coup in and destruction of Ukraine in 2014.

Both operations are and were based upon lies that the U.S. Government, and its vassal-nations, (‘allies&rsquo😉 reiterate — or at least tolerate — even to this day.

Because the U.S. Government is the world’s most powerful, George W. Bush has not been executed for what he did to Iraq, and Barack Obama has not been executed for what he did to Ukraine. Neither of those two has even faced an international criminal tribunal for the horrors that he initiated against — and which conquered (one by outright invasion, and the other by subterfuge and coup) — a distant country which had posed no threat to the aggressor-nation, the United States. How can the world even pretend to care about international justice, in such a circumstance?

Many people now know that the U.S.-and-allied invasion of Iraq on 20 March 2003 was based only on lies (which now the participating Governments refer to instead as having been ‘intelligence errors’, which is yet another lie); but America’s coup which grabbed control over Ukraine’s Government and has worked with the EU to get Ukraine into America’s anti-Russia military alliance, NATO, is still ignored by Western ‘news’-media, so that Russia’s ultimate response to that coup, on 24 February 2022, by physically invading Ukraine to prevent Ukraine from hosting U.S. nuclear missiles on Ukraine’s border only 300 miles away from The Kremlin, is being lied-about by them, as having started the war in Ukraine — what America’s coup there had actually started.

Both victim-countries — Iraq and Ukraine — were destroyed by Washington’s grab.


As you read on after the above, you'll find a glaring correlation to evidence and conjectures I've posted and made during the past several years. Take to mind I entered this community in late Oct of 2017, already having followed this war for over 3 years. Actually beginning with the Maidan Revolution of 2013 into 2014, studying the investigation of the criminal actions of before the Ukrainian governments military assault on the Donbass regions in April of 2014.

{Even today, and despite unanimous votes by Iraq’s Parliament for the nation’s Government to eliminate all U.S. occupying forces from the country, they still are there.

On 21 March 2019, I headlined “Three Neo-Nazis Lead Ukraine’s Presidential Contest: Gallup Finds Ukrainians Despise All the Candidates”, and reported that, “Gallup headlined on March 21st, “Ukraine’s Election: Voters Disenchanted Ahead of Key Vote”, and “World-Low 9% of Ukrainians Confident in Government”.

Might the reason for both be that no candidate in the contest is respected by the Ukrainian public, and that only three — the candidates with the least-low public approval — are the only ones who have even a remote chance of winning, and that all three of those candidates are racist-fascists, or hold the ideology of nazism? This will be documented here.” This was the election that placed Volodmyr Zelensky into office, and he failed to fulfill on ANY of his campaign-promises — such as to reach a peaceful settlement with Russia. Obviously, he did nothing of the sort.

Even Ukraine’s gross population figures display the catastrophe that America’s control over Ukranie’s government has wrought:

The last time that Ukraine’s Government did a census — a head-count — was 2001, and Wikipedia’s article about it says that “The total permanent population recorded was 48,241,000 persons.”

But now, on 5 June 2023, an English-language Russian news site has reported that

“Currently, the approximate population of Ukraine is allegedly 29 million people. This figure was announced by the Ukrainian Institute of the Future. … By the way, Russian analysts give even smaller figures, estimating the country’s population at 23-25 million people.” So, it’s down by about half.}

Current figures of Ukrainian losses in the war are at or now above 300,000 men and women. Add that to the millions who left the country as Russia finally went into the Donbass regions to help the local militias defend the civilian population. Over 300,000 in merely a year and a half. Figures are at approximately 6000 soldiers a month. After the puppet Zelensky was put in, all opposing parties were banned. Media was nationalized. He recently canceled the 2024 elections imposing martial law. Reports starting at least a year ago of people being kidnapped off the streets and of home invasions then forced to the front lines without so much as basic training. RT yesterday released a video of 2 captured soldiers confirming this, telling a story of being sent to the front line with little to no sense of experienced leadership around. They're giving a few hours of training by NATO and western military elements then pushed to the front. They're simply cannon fodder. It's another aspect of genocide on their own citizenship expanded from the genocide campaign that was raging for 8 years before hand.

This is essentially the proof of Putin's claims. Proof of independent reports. This isn't a war about democracy, freedom, or Ukraine's independence, it's about Ukraine being used to weaken Russia and further attempts to force Putin into escalating the war for an excuse to join the war.

{When the U.S. Government takes over in a country, the people who suffer the most are the public. And there’s no one to defend their interests. No one even to present their case.

A big error in the design of the U.N. is that the General Assembly wasn’t given the full authority over all international courts to judge all international cases, to the exclusion of any other legal body, and also to the exclusion of the Security Council. Until that reform is instituted, we still are in a primitive world, nothing that should be called “civilized.” It’s still only a might-makes-right world, not a civilized one.}

I'll just make an obvious note here, as I seemingly have to often, as another plea for your worldwide recognition. This isn't just a US government issue. It's a combination of all the western governments. An example would be France in which they are currently taking back lash from African countries to get the hell out for basically the same deceptive type of agendas. Australia in Afghanistan. The European countries have a centuries long history of the same murderous agendas around the globe. Ask yourselves why England isn't getting much mention in the Ukraine fiasco. You all should know they have a heavy hand in this also. Yet it seems to be a quiet night where only crickets are heard for their benefit.

Long live the ruling class! Heil!

U.S. Regime Now Applies Maximum Brutality to the Ukrainian People

The lowest of the low in warfare is to send to the battlefront poorly trained troops and to have trailing behind them troops whose function is to shoot to kill any of those frontline poorly trained troops who try to retreat. That is what the United States command (the “NATO command” as Russia calls it — though Ukraine isn’t a member of NATO, and all of the top-command decisions for Ukraine’s forces in this war are now being made by the U.S. Government and by no one else) of Ukraine’s war with Russia on the battlefields of Ukraine has ordered, and what Ukraine’s forces now are doing especially in the region of Kherson in Ukraine’s south.


That's why you ban all opposing political parties! And Russia can't lose. She won't lose. To lose would be the ultimate loss. And her people all know this. It's either Ukraine or the world. And the world is already engaged in a slow losing construct of murderous agendas within another attempt to take down one of the worlds most powerful nations, if not thee most powerful, who has ultimately always come out on the top when tested.

If you've been observing the right resources for information, Russia has been erasing the military equipment sent to Ukraine with an ease not witnessed in all of history. She hasn't really even begun to open up her entire might. If you want an informative world view of the Ukraine war, I highly suggest watching some of these shows from Crosstalk. []

William_Mary 8 July 4
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i've pretty well given up on trying to get ppl to see that there are 2 sides to the Ukraine war. the vast majority just believe what their talking head tells them.
same goes for climate change hysteria.
anyway. keep tilting at those windmills.

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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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