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Genocide in Gaza: Imperialism descends into the abyss

I took the liberty to cut through the beginning of the speech by David North. David North has played a leading role in the international socialist movement for 45 years. He is presently the chairperson of the International Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and the national chairperson of the Socialist Equality Party (United States).

The beginning is basically a bit of history on the confrontation of capitalism with the construct of socialisms views from Trotsky. Trotsky was essential in regards to applying Marx's work on an international level as Stalinism betrayed the 1917 revolution in the USSR. North used this as a lead in towards the Gaza genocide campaign using James P. Cannon as a Trotskyist in the US. You can read or watch that on the video. Some of this is left out in the writing as North goes into the Gaza effect. I use the term effect because this is what capitalism has always been referred to as the ending atmosphere by Marx's work. What is happening in Gaza, as North states, is the realization of the dissent into the abyss, related to Cannon's open letter.

As I stated in my earlier post, there is no denying this is a genocide campaign. As North mentions the same attributes I did within that post. Conditions and statements are the evidence.

William_Mary 8 Nov 23
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