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CrossTalk | Leadership decline

It would seem Israel’s war in Gaza is changing everything. Not least the West’s claim to moral leadership in the world. The so-called ‘rules-based order’ has been shown to be a complete fraud. When there is a leadership vacuum, others will fill it.

CrossTalking with Garland Nixon, Margaret Kimberley, and Matthew Ehret.


Another great discussion here on Crosstalk everyone should observe. This one includes Margaret Kimberley who is a co-editor at Black Agenda Report, an independent source I use often in the group.

The gig is over! Hypocrisy is a normality now, more so than ever that is. Democracy is a one sided false reality that will not tolerate anyone who speaks out against the delusional control of both. As usual, the MSMs are compliant and collaborate in the deceptions. As Peter puts it, a morality deficit. Genocide facing the attempts today of being redefined by those who are committing it.

When Matthew Ehret brings up German farmers, he's referring to the current destabilization of the market there that has been flooded with Ukrainian and Polish grain. The German farmers have been devastated by the cheaper. Another of many means that the ruling elite have devastated the German economy the past two years in the up tick of the Ukraine war.

The further expansion of overlooking the values and principles of our societies to support and fund fascism. Which quite frankly is again making Trump deceptively look appealing as he conducts another round of fake dissent against the status quo wars and expenditures abroad. While all the time during his last campaign he used fascist and far right nationalist groups and their religion to win, then go on for four years to doing nothing towards his proclaimed agendas. Biden has essentially set the tone for Trump to make matters worse again.

The war is turned onto us. Those who are suppose to govern for us see us as a threat. Our elections are rigged on multiple fronts while our voices are suppressed, and in growing measures, criminalized.

The current system isn't fighting for us. They're fighting against us. What does it take to recognize that we need alternatives?

William_Mary 8 Jan 28
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geez, if i were a pessimist i'd say you ppl are pretty well fubar. sadly, we're no better off.


In case anyone is missing it, Trump does not want anything done at our border until he gets back in office. This way it looks like a big and immediate win for Trump. I say this enough and nobody heres it, much of what is reported depends on which news feed you follow.

DenoPenno Level 9 Jan 28, 2024

If he gets in I suspect that he will send the military there to gun down anyone who tries to get across.



puff Level 8 Jan 28, 2024

Tear up the Patriot Act.
'The current system isn't fighting for us. They're fighting against us.'. And this is the reason Trump is popular because people can relate to his fight.

'Our elections are rigged on multiple fronts'. This fact needs to be acknowledged by all. Then something may happen. Doner money corrupts so ban it. Unify electoral protocol on a national level.

US governance needs radical change, so does Australia and other English speaking Western countries. Revolutionary change. This needs something to wipe out the old so rebuilding may begin. That destructive tornado seems to be Trump. He is not desirable but needed at this point of time. Would love to see RFK Jr get up, but Trump is the one who will /I think. Looking forward to the Democratic party coming third.
Re Germany never forget it was Biden who blew Nord Stream up and I read yesterday he plans to stop exporting US hydrocarbons; so much for the US ensuring European energy security.

puff Level 8 Jan 28, 2024

"Our elections?"

@DenoPenno he used two quotes of mine and then disparaged them by adding his own context to them which changed the narrative I set for them.

{The current system isn't fighting for us. They're fighting against us.}

This is a statement I occasionally make in my post that paraphrases one of Caitlin Johnstone's from an article of hers []

From that article --- {Why is it nearly impossible to get true leftist politicians elected in America despite broad support for socialist policies and making tremendous progress on social issues like same sex marriage and marijuana legalization? Why have US politics been moving steadily steadily to the right on economic issues for decades when one of the two parties purports to oppose this? Why do Democrats loudly advocate for the little guy but slam the brakes on at the point where it might mildly inconvenience the oligarchs, the intelligence agencies or the military-industrial complex?

The answer is because they’re not fighting the Republicans. They’re fighting you.}

The underling result of that statement is that both party's fail to represent the citizenship. As the country is constantly moving to the right with each election cycle, they're clearly working for the ruling class against us. The narrative of my group. puff has a major problem with applying history to his opinions and commentary. Apparently, like with so many voters in the US, which he isn't one, history seemingly tends to escape him during the crucial moments it is needed to make important intellectual decisions and or apply it to political arena.

Puff --- {And this is the reason Trump is popular because people can relate to his fight.}

Puff's apparent agenda is to propel Trump ahead of Biden much the same way our media did in 2016 when they afforded him billions worth of free promotion time during that election cycle. Trumps popularity is seemingly worth overlooking the various means of how Trump became a false populist politician. The fact that Trump's history of being a habitual liar, extended the Afghan war despite the claims of going to end it, extended the Syrian war despite claims we should have never been there and to end it, kept troops there to steal their oil, still there stealing oil, incited multiple degrees of violence during his campaign rallies and multiple protest across the country, continued the Ukraine war with support and funding, created more turmoil with Russia, this all escapes him in regards to correlate Trump with the rest of DC, and other apparatuses outside.

Like his followers that got essentially nothing from him for 4 years, he joins them in the continued belief that Trump is the prophet towards fighting the very ruling class he is a part of. And despite the fact that the deep state played a part in helping with the chaos of Jan 6th, in which he and his circle have essentially escaped any prosecution for inciting, he believes Trump will confront it also. Foolishly believing that the deep state is only a partner of the democrat party.

{'Our elections are rigged on multiple fronts'.}

The other quote of mine that I often state on these forums.

Puff --- {This fact needs to be acknowledged by all. Then something may happen. Doner money corrupts so ban it. Unify electoral protocol on a national level.}

While donor money is a primary problem, donor money has nothing to do with the way republican ruled states use interstate cross checking list to fraudulently clear voters off their state voting list. Or the way they constantly make voting harder for people to register to vote. Often targeting especially the elderly. Donor money had nothing to do with the DNC and Clinton rigging the system against Bernie Sanders in either 2016 or 2020. Clinton was undemocratically handed the nomination by various fraudulent means in which when the truth all finally came out, it was all but openly admitted to. Biden was the DNCs next choice. Covid helped to whitewash that primary cycle. Biden was so far behind, but with one good showing in Carolina everyone tucked their tails and dropped out!?! Harris was under fire for her time in California with no sign of digging out, that had to be extinguished to make her the VP. That was to silence the attacks she was conducting on Biden. She was rewarded and turned out to be the worst VP in history. Sanders despite his betrayal was looking to be the roadblock again. That couldn't be tolerated, and Sanders plays well with the system as we all found out in 2016. So, before the primary even really kicked in, Biden was quickly handed the nomination before democracy even had a chance. Biden and his cabinet turned the world upside down basically just like I said it would.

What Puff isn't getting by voiding history is the same as the American citizen. What does Puff mean when he mentions revolution? You can't beat a system using it against itself. We aren't going to violently fight it away either without first injecting someone to lead the fight. Until the citizenship unites behind someone by out voting the systems choices, we're stuck in a system that's fighting us. That was Bernie Sanders in 2016. But he stood silent from Iowa to the end while the system fraudulently buried democracy and those who supported and funded him. And because of it we got Trump instead. Then Biden. Sacrifice has been depleted. We're living under what is basically a social death sentence by authoritarian rule. At any given moment with the right bad action anywhere WWlll can begin. It's essentially already happening on a virtual scale that we don't see being played out in the shadows. The weaponization of it is merely going on in particular regions. How long before the men and women are sent to the meat grinder is seemingly the only question left now.

Numbers in Ukraine alone now have reached 500,000 in a two year period of Ukrainians lost to Russian weaponry. And they haven't even broke out their major weapons. That's essentially only in the meat grinders of the four regions that voted to rejoin the Russian Federation while attempting to save civilian lives in the western part of the country. Russia could have turned the west into what we see in Gaza today if Putin so chose too. Compare that to our western leaders who won't bat an eye to send our kids off to that meat grinder!

Jill Stein is up next again?


Commodities in canada right now are at the bottom and the are leaving canada by ship. Trumps not the enemy to the people that biden is. But Trumps not going to fix the mess....the people will...quit dealing with china and start manfacturing here in north america. Kick the big corporations to the curb to me they are the enemy of the people.....create your own currency. The fiat dollars is what got into this mess....the game of monopoly is over. They have all the money they just don't have all the properties

1patriot Level 8 Jan 28, 2024
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