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Biden’s State of the Union message: Get ready for World War III!

“Overseas, Putin of Russia is on the march,” Biden declared, “invading Ukraine and sowing chaos throughout Europe and beyond.”

“We’re in a stronger position to win the conflict of the 21st century against China than anyone else”


{The statement that “Putin of Russia is on the march” throughout Europe and beyond is a fabrication. All the fighting that has taken place has been within 100 miles of the Russian border. Throughout the two-year conflict, the Biden administration has relentlessly escalated the war. In recent weeks, the NATO powers have raised the need for sending their own troops into combat, which would mean all-out war with Russia.

The war against Russia is part of an expanding global war, including the escalating conflict with China--- and the genocide in Gaza.}

The chaos in Europe is due to sanctions being placed on Russia over the past 2 years. The chaos in Europe is due to their funding of a war they falsely manufactured beginning in 2014, throwing untold billions into it. Likely in the hundreds of billions while claiming to have depleted their weapon supplies. The chaos in Europe is caused by their citizenships protesting against the war of the past 10 years and now the genocide campaign they're also helping to fund in Gaza. In regards to the 10 years, protest have been quite common for the past 2 years when the sanctions began destroying their economy. With major up ticks over the past several months in regard to Gaza. If the funding of that war for 10 years hasn't reached over a couple billion yet, the effects of the sanctions applied to the economy with it does so in regards to the rise in food and energy cost. In which their corporations are highly gouging them in cost and destroying their farming communities. While still getting a significant amount of energy deceptively from their spoken enemy, Russia.

Riddle me this Batman. Why aren't the European countries buying their energy resources from Ukraine!?! They hold all the fossil fuels needed. They flood their societies with cheep grain from Ukraine to virtually destroy their farming communities, but continue to buy Russian and American energy supplies at much higher rates. Don't read that wrong now! The higher Russian rates are due to going through 2nd and 3rd parties who charge more to ship then off then offload to European ships. The deception no one talks about. American energy companies are making a killing while diminishing our supplies on the natural gas front. When buying from Russia directly was much cheaper. Answer? The European citizenship is purposely being victimized in efforts to manufacture Russia as an enemy while its ruling class elite milk them for billions in profits. When the dust settles, those same billionaire ruling elite will then tap western Ukraine's energy supplies. Using Russia's pipe lines that already exist.

{As the ruling class escalates global war abroad, the Democratic Party is relying on the trade union apparatus to suppress the class struggle. “In time of war or revolution,” Trotsky noted in 1938, “when the bourgeoisie is plunged into exceptional difficulties, trade union leaders usually become bourgeois ministers.”

Fain is supported by the Democratic Socialists of America, a faction of the Democratic Party that represents privileged sections of the upper-middle class. Biden’s speech as a whole, and not just the sections on Fain, was clearly prepared for and written by people close to the DSA. This was their speech, from the ferocious anti-Russia hysteria, to the empty populist phrases, to the glorification of the trade union apparatus.}

Again, the true nature of the fake socialism of the DSA exposed. Their supporters herded right into the capitalist pastures.

{The real “wake-up” call that must be given is a warning that the two-party system of corporate rule is leading America and the world to disaster. The Democrats and Republicans represent two intersecting paths to barbarism. Trump is running to establish a fascistic dictatorship. Biden is running to make sure that the war against Russia continues, even to the point of a nuclear confrontation.

Their aims complement each other. Fascist dictatorship prepares the ground for war, and the brutal assault on workers’ living conditions required for war creates the necessity for fascist dictatorship.

Presidential candidate--Joseph Kishore}

New election year, same result. It doesn't matter who wins, the tone is set either way. Trump had 4 years to make changes. He exacerbated the going problems he came in to and made them worse for Biden to move further right. He even allowed himself to be used to do so within the fake impeachment hearings in regards to Ukraine. Fascist elements have been running amok within the US and Canada while our representation has been collaboratively working with them within various aspects of our societies and judicially. And our medias are entirely silent about it.

As I listened to NPR on the speech yesterday, as always, any attempt to add a sense of genuine contest to expose the real narratives was completely absent. Open mic sessions to stay conformed to the delusional reality only existed.

William_Mary 8 Mar 9
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Ummmm, how exactly is farming ( your grain remark) supposed to take place when even a war zone 1000 miles away is going to have Severe effects on supplies in crops getting harvested, (Fuel h& manpower goes to the military!)and more importantly HOW could they be harvested, shipped.
More likely it will be easier and cheaper to let anything that did get planted rot where it grew.
You have no idea how Farms work, do you......

You obviously don't have any knowledge of the farming and grain issues I've been referring to for weeks in regards to Europe. Which leaves me incapable of addressing your chaotic structure of context and narrative. Apparently, you're also incapable of comprehending what the narrative to the story is about. But I'll try too help you make sense of it.

The issue isn't the farming process, or the war as a restriction too it. The deal made between Russia and the west to allow Ukraine to get their grain out was purposely meant to avoid the war effecting global distribution. But Europe has been deceptively hoarded 97% of the Ukrainian grain, flooding their markets rather than shipping it globally as they agreed to, specifically suppressing any of it to reach the global south, which only 3% went to breaking the agreement.

It's the cheep prices of Ukraine's various grains flooding their markets that is their issue. When the farmers put their money into producing a crop that they then can't sell at a higher price to support their work in a market that has been flooded with cheaper grain, that highly reduces their ability to provide for their families and start the next seasons crop. Which that essential detail makes your proposal for them to just let it rot in the field is absurd. Further supporting of poverty on an aspect of such importance to society is profoundly unacceptable.

The fair distribution and equal pricing globally should have been kept in the agreement. Because it wasn't, European farmers face unfair pricing they can't compete with, while African and Latin American countries are being devastated by high costing grain prices due to shortages. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the ruling class markets are purposely targeting certain regions, the global south, with oppressive tactics while targeting their own citizens in efforts to profit from the selling of Ukraine grain.

The farming regions of Ukraine have been bought out by large western corporate farming who have purposely controlled how their grain is now dominating the markets in Europe to profit off of. They've thrown their own private farmers under the bus while high inflation also has been injected into the food pricing on their citizenship over the past 2 years. They're paying less for the cheap grain while refusing to provide any subsidies to the farmers for the distress they're causing to support Ukraine and their overwhelming profits, while inflation remains high for the citizenship.

Your lack of empathy for those being effected by the ruling class and complacency to their agendas never ceases too amaze me. I can only hope that it's ignorance within your level of negative indoctrination that causes this. If you were to observe RT live news who is covering the farmers issues in Europe on an almost daily basis you'd be educated on what I've been talking about here for weeks. Please break free of the box you're trapped in and take time to educate yourself on issues you want to participate in. I promise you that spending half an hour a day to observe RT news for a better view of world politics won't poison your mind. It will only challenge what you think you know but don't know. Improve your intellectuality.



Never mentioned Nord Stream, carried out by the US on German (allie) critical civilian energy supply affecting the whole economy of Europe. Approved by a president unable to temper the war machine, instead doing their bidding wholeheartedly.
Israel steal Syrian oil via Turkey. US buys Russian oil via India. Russian pipeline still runs through Ukraine supplying Italy and others.
Ukraine has lost, Russia has won so reconstruction will be done by Russia not Blackrock. So bad luck fascists. Get over it.
Supplies from Ukraine? Yes, why didn't Hunter organise that? Perhaps Europe found Ukraine unreliable and corrupt? Perhaps Hunter was unreliable and corrupt?
NATO disunities and won't be around much longer. So the foreign imperial army utilised by the US will be no more. WTF is a defense organisation taking on a nation state anyway? The fight over the defense organisation expanding because it refuses to accept a nation stay neutral? There is something seriously fucked up with this scenario: An organisation army attacking a nation state. A defense organisation with an expansionist agenda is 1984 double speak.
Russia has won, NATO trying to bluff but nothing to back it up. Putin won, Nuland didn't. Suck it up. Pity Ukraine which has been destroyed. Thanks NATO/ US again, war was over April 2022
Israel has lost, people leaving in droves, never be the same. Suck it up. Enabled genocide for nothing.
America is empire in decline. No-one listens anymore. Look at the Houti's? UN votes? Suck it up

Biden will be remembered as genocide Joe, the US president who attacked critical European energy infrastructure. TDS will be studied. Trump will win 2024 because the Democratic party is so bad, not because of any brilliance from Trump. Self inflicted. Suck it up.

puff Level 8 Mar 9, 2024

I also listen to NPR and they seem lacking in full clarity a lot of times. Someone mentioned this recently and it was discussed. NPR for me locally comes from St. Louis.

DenoPenno Level 9 Mar 9, 2024

NPR is just an arm of the MSCMs. It simply echo's most of what they spew out at us. It's essentially funded by those very MSCMs and corporations. Bill Gates over the years has donated the last count I seen, 38 billion. If they were to actually do real journalism, the ruling class and government would manufacture a means to shut it down.

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