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Biden Re-Election Benefits From Dark Money He Says ‘Erodes Public Trust’

Dark money has flooded into outside spending groups pledging support for Biden, including one out of every two dollars to the president's primary super PAC.

In September 2022, President Joe Biden made a rare appearance in the White House Briefing Room to call on congressional Republicans to get behind a Democratic bill to end “dark money” in U.S. elections.

“Dark money erodes public trust,” Biden said. “We need to protect public trust. And I’m determined to do that.”

But that bill was never passed, and the Biden administration has not taken any meaningful actions to address the issue. For example, Democratic senators and a coalition of liberal groups have been urging Biden to begin addressing dark money in politics by issuing an executive order requiring federal contractors to disclose all of their political expenditures, but the president has not pursued the idea.

Now, Biden’s re-election campaign is set to benefit massively from dark money. At least $85 million has flooded in already this election cycle from nonprofits and shell companies that do not disclose their donors to super PACs that have pledged to spend money in support of Biden, according to Sludge’s review of Federal Election Commission records.


Even if it had passed, loop holes would be injected to provide a means around the legislature. In regards to this issue, domestically or internationally, loop holes have always been applied. Groups that have attempted to act as advocates to stop these measures of buying elections have seemingly disappeared the last couple of years because their own scams of producing useless rhetoric means to stop them began showing just how hypocritical they were. They were simply scam organizations pulling in money while deceiving the public as they falsely promoting that there was a way to end these election scams.

There's only one way to end this, and that's to end the duopoly establishment party system. Grass roots representative representation are the only people who can end it. We did it with Sanders. His betrayal however was the ultimate showcase of why a 3rd party can only be the beginning to end the status quo. We're never going to advance to much more quickly enough to end our own demise. This same tactic is used throughout all policies. If it benefits us, it's either voiced with no intentions of implementing it, or the funding of it isn't provided.

If you get a person such as Jill Stein into the white house, getting that platform to expose and unravel the delusional reality behind the curtain, the wheels fall off of the machine. Reverberating down the system. But the shit show between our compliant medias, representation, and the international ruling class that own all it has to be exposed first.

Eventually, main street jumps in to replace the billionaire class as long as we stick to the guns. More co-op work forces begin to replace capitalist structured domination. Along with expanded green energy, manufacturing begins to follow suite bringing back more higher paying jobs.

As fear of corporate retaliation is erased, ultimately, the technological advances that are being suppressed from the public begin making the way into society. There's no longer a reason to hoard the technology for warring purposes with the slow experimental use on manufactured enemies or societies as profit makers. The planet becomes more democratic and peaceful. Free energy is at our finger tips now. It's simply being withheld from us. Outing it would end everything that keeps their game over us going.

William_Mary 8 Apr 13
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