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Imperial Conquest: America’s “Long War” against Humanity. Worldwide Militarization. Michel Chossudovsky

Prof Michel Chossudovsky begins the article with a quote from a speech of his from 2014. at at a Rosa Luxemburg Conference, Berlin.

{The concept of the Long War is part of US military doctrine since the end of World War II. In many regards, today’s wars are a continuation of the Second World War.

Worldwide militarization is also part of a global economic agenda, namely the application of the neoliberal economic policy model which has led to the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.}

{Of utmost relevance to an understanding of the war in Ukraine, the genocide against Palestine and the unfolding war in the Middle East---Michel Chossudovsky, September 18, 2022, November 15, 2023, April 12, 2024}

I usually make the statement that we're currently witnessing WWlll, implicated under modern era attributes from advanced technology targeting social structures and economic menus of societies, before conventional warring is engaged, if needed, each beginning with false demonization of a leadership and or political structure. Or if that aspect can be passed off to someone else. Terrorist for example, before the facade of rescue comes into play. I can live with the continuation of WWll as the Narrative the professor projects though. It adds up either way. In the video that comes with the article, he admits the US was considerably late getting to WWl. Dragging her heels for WWll.

However, I have the same issue I always have when America is being blamed. Or solely blamed. WWl is establish while WWll is as though the British who were the initiating enemy of Germany as Churchill essentially orchestrated the beginning of that war, gets passed off onto the US. Of course if you know the real history, both US banks and the bank of England, along with various corporations from each countries, played roles in funding and supplying the rise of a new German army against signed treaties after WWl. You have to make a distinct connection of Roosevelt having collaborating with Churchill initially, and then him or Truman as the war was winding down in regards to ongoing USSR attacks and terrorist strikes by fascist Ukrainians which I think went on into the early 50s. But basically the professor is correct. Perpetual warring basically has never stopped since WWll.

But I have that mind that will aways reminds you to never forget where this global power structures birth place is. All matters go through the Little City of London. We're just another vein of centuries worth of long colonizations.

The professor's speech in the video covers a lot of this. It's very well worth at least skipping through. At least watch the first several minutes for it to capture you into wanting to listen to more. It's highly relevant to today. On to the article.


{The world is at the crossroads of the most serious crisis in modern history. The US has embarked on a military adventure, “a long war”, which threatens the future of humanity. This “war without borders” is being carried out at the crossroads of the most serious economic crisis in World history, which has been conducive to the impoverishment of large sectors of the World population.

The Pentagon’s global military design is one of world conquest. The military deployment of US-NATO forces is occurring in several regions of the world simultaneously.

The concept of the “Long War” has characterized US military doctrine since the end of World War II.}

{The Legacy of World War II. Demise of Competing Imperialist powers

What is referred euphemistically as the “post war era” is in fact a period of continuous wars and militarization. This must be understood when focussing on contemporary US led wars. While commemorating World War I, it is also important to understand that there is a continuum of US military strategies going back to World War I and the inter-war period.

The US emerges in the wake of the Second World War unscathed. Most of the fighting was conducted by its allies, a strategy which the US has used consistently in post-world war II conflicts. Moreover, a careful examination of World War II suggests that US corporate interests including Rockefeller’s Standard Oil supported both its allies and its enemies including Nazi Germany well beyond the US’s entry into World War II in 1941. The strategic objective was to weaken both sides, namely to destabilize competing imperialist powers.}

Unscathed is obviously a drastically underwhelming statement. But the vast majority of allied help came only from the USSR. The USSR had more divisions in action in that war than all the other allies put together. The USSR had some 200 divisions fighting the Germans and Ukrainians. Suffering more deaths and casualties than the others by far. The US and British weren't anywhere near even half that in regards to divisions, deaths, or casualties. The USSR lost approximately 27 million people in that war, approximately 9 million soldiers. It can be and has been argued the war was more about weakening the USSR. As they hoped to do using Ukraine the last 10 years. But Hitler threw a monkey wrench in their war machine with wanting it all. Including them. He went off script like a Trumpster. And the USSR got stuck cleaning up their mess. By the time Hitler got done, France and Poland basically had no armies to help out. The rest of Europe basically had no armies period. Churchill got his ass handed to him and he and the British government should have been prosecuted for it purposely getting their country and those around them destroyed. Once Stalin figured out how he was betrayed, they're fortunate he didn't march right through Germany all the way to England.

Destroying Internationalism: The Truman Doctrine

In the words of George Kennan:

“Occasionally, it [the United Nations] has served a useful purpose. But by and large it has created more problems than it has solved, and has led to a considerable dispersal of our diplomatic effort. And in our efforts to use the UN majority for major political purposes we are playing with a dangerous weapon which may some day turn against us. This is a situation which warrants most careful study and foresight on our part. (George Kennan, 1948)

As you read this section, the changing of the world today should flash through your mind. For that day appears to be here now. More and more, as each year goes by, another world war is becoming closer to their only option left for them. The clock is ticking!

Non-Conventional Warfare: Using Al Qaeda Rebels as the Foot Soldiers of the Western Military alliance

{This strategy of using al Qaeda rebels as the foot soldiers of the Western military is of crucial significance. It has characterized US-NATO interventions in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. It is currently part of a covert agenda to destabilize Iraq by supporting al Qaeda in Iraq and the Levant (AQIL).

US sponsored Al Qaeda terror brigades (covertly supported by Western intelligence) have also been deployed in Mali, Niger, Nigeria, the Central African Republic, Somalia and Yemen.

The objective is to create sectarian and ethnic divisions with a view to destabilizing or fracturing sovereign countries modelled on former Yugoslavia.

In the Middle East, the redrawing of political borders is contemplated by US military planners.}

The Anti-war Movement in Crisis: Cooptation and “Manufactured Dissent”

{The antiwar movement in several Western countries is in crisis, dominated by self-proclaimed progressives. Some of America’s wars are condemned outright, while others are heralded as “humanitarian interventions”. A significant segment of the US antiwar movement condemns the war but endorses the campaign against international terrorism, which constitutes the backbone of US military doctrine.

Historically, progressive social movements (including the World Social Forum) have been infiltrated, their leaders co-opted and manipulated, through the corporate funding of non-governmental organizations, trade unions and political parties. The ultimate purpose of “funding dissent” is to prevent the protest movement from challenging the legitimacy of the capitalist elites.}

I speak about this on a regular basis here. Once a movement, any type of activist or dissenting movement, aligns with a political party, taking money from a party or corporate donor, whether it be directly or through a pac, that movement becomes a utility against itself. The original leaders always end up becoming corrupt and wealthy themselves. If you find yourself facing any scenario of such a suggestive organization of these types, all you have to do is some basic background searching and you'll almost always find a curtain of red behind it. There's always that one name, NGO, think tank, or public relations firm that serves as a star on the red curtain. If you don't find red, just wait. The red will come. It's quite profitable to dream up a group and unleash it onto the public. And if you aren't following the right news sources, you can end up giving your money away for quite some time before that group is outed for the fraud it is.

Where is black lives matter today? Don't hear shit from them anymore do we. There hasn't been an African American questionably killed by law enforcement all this time lately? You don't think there haven't been any African people in Ukraine for 10 years, or Israel or Gaza over the past 6 months, who haven't been effected by these wars? You haven't been following the right news sources if this is the case. I assure you that Ukraine had a rather large African population working and living there as the special operations kicked in who were in particular news medias who found themselves in a rather challenging position with the fascist. Facing hard times wanting out of the country before all hell broke out. They didn't want to be kidnapped and forced to the front like what's going on today. Not to long ago in Israel with election participants facing protest, the zionist began campaigns of strife with their African Jewish population. They're on both sides of the open air prison walls but no one is speaking out for them today. Like non-existent. The international charter is dead? Is there even a charter in the US today who should be speaking out for them? Did the corruption within them wipe them off the political map? Highly become diminished, silenced, or wiped out. That's what happens. And most never think about it again.

{A large segment of “progressive” opinion in the US and Western Europe is supportive of NATO’s R2P “humanitarian” mandate to the extent that these war plans are being carried out with the “rubber stamp” of civil society. Prominent “progressive” authors as well independent media outlets have supported regime change and NATO sponsored humanitarian intervention in Libya. Similarly, these same self proclaimed progressives have rallied in support of the US-NATO sponsored opposition in Syria.

Let us be under no illusions: This pseudo-progressive discourse is an instrument of propaganda. Several prominent “left” intellectuals –who claim to be opposed to US imperialism– have supported the imposition of “no fly zones” and “humanitarian interventions” against sovereign countries.

“Progressives” are funded and co-opted by elite foundations including Ford, Rockefeller, et al. The corporate elites have sought to fragment the people’s movement into a vast “do it yourself” mosaic. War and globalization are no longer in the forefront of civil society activism. Activism tends to be piecemeal. There is no integrated anti-globalization anti-war movement. The economic crisis is not seen as having a relationship to the US led war.

Dissent has been compartmentalized. Separate “issue oriented” protest movements (e.g. environment, anti-globalization, peace, women’s rights, climate change) are encouraged and generously funded as opposed to a cohesive mass movement. This mosaic was already prevalent in the counter G7 summits and People’s Summits of the 1990s.}

Sanders, AOC, the Squad! Complacency is our bitch handing us over to the ruling elite to be walked all over. They've been beating us over the head like with a brick in this regard since 1990! Like these groups go so do the politicians. All the politician who stand before us on TV promising to make changes that alway tend to fade into the curtain with the rest of the criminals, fade away, or become corrupt with the rest of them. Sanders went from lip service to corrupt and found himself a bit more wealthier. He didn't leap far, but he got closer to Joe. Joe didn't become a millionaire until after his stint with Obama. Joe is probably leaping far today though. With Sanders just reaching where Joe was when his VP was over. It's hard to tell how much cash Joe walked out of Ukraine with though. It has been said it was in the millions according to the whistle blower of the Burisma company.

The article finishes with the OWS movement, color revolutions I talk about often, and 9/11 truth. Followed by what is needed for change which I agree with a lot of. That I feel Jill Stein can be capable of beginning. The top of his list actually resembles what I have repeated. Taking control of the collaborate media is an essential first step! Which would probably mean taking them over and nationalizing them, being those who are primary players in directing this agenda own the top 6 MSCMs. In which their manufactured perception managing content filters down to all the rest of the medias below them.

William_Mary 8 Apr 14
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