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Money Is Needed To Keep You Position Of Power. All You Have To Do Is Lose You Sense Of Good Ethics And Morals. And Keep The Junior Class Below You In Line With The Agenda.

Because morals involve a personal code of conduct, it is possible for people to be moral but not ethical. A person can follow their personal moral code without adhering to a more community-based sense of ethical standards. In some cases, a persons individual morals may be at odds with society's ethics.


I built Out of the Illusion primarily on the bases to expose the techniques used to manage the perception of the citizenship.


These are all articulative techniques towards delivering a message towards conforming information towards developing a sound foundation of opinion. Propaganda is constantly confronting us from all aspects of information delivery within our lives. I placed it in front of the others because all those after it form the conditions to reach the last, our perception.

It can and is being used against us as a weapon. It's entirely up to you to recognize when you're being betrayed. Those who intend to deceive you aren't going to tell you they're doing so. Politicians use it, every aspect of media uses it, it fills our social medias, it fills you emails, it comes to us in our TV and radios, I use it in this group mainly with the independent news sources I put my trust in. You must use your intellectuality to understand who is using it to deceive and control you or who has a genuine agenda to inform you. There is no shortage of opposing information to that which is out there to deceive you. You just have to be willing to find it and or ask for it. When you don't, you miss how ignorance effects the world. Currently, the world isn't looking good. There are choices that need to be staunchly addressed today and we need everyone to be properly educated to stop the madness going on around us. Our current bought representation and medias aren't going to do it for you! They're there to deceive us to support the agendas that are out of control!

We have been significantly targeted with deceiving information for the last 5 decades. It has actually been a lot longer, but purposeful intent to achieve western power agendas have been vamped up significantly the past 5 decades. I know a vast majority of us still haven't manage to recognize this though. And the reason is as I outlined above. We were betrayed! We're still silent of the fact that many of our family members went into 2 wars built on a major agenda of deception in which nearly 9000 came home in body bags, and 10s of thousands came home with multiple other conditions wars cause. 30 thousand more of them lost to suicides. That agenda has been staunchly revamped again. 2 years ago to deceptively support and fund a revamped war against Russia using an illegally created vassal state of known Nazi fascist glorifiers. And it went on steroids in Oct for a new genocide. Which is basically complete now. As with Ukraine, our representation is blatantly standing in our homes and twisting history, the conditions of this war, and various terminologies to justify multiple horrendous crimes that continue.

Which have spread into the protest on collage campuses. Like on the border, some collages and law enforcement are allowing vigilante groups to violently clear protesting students and civilians away from peaceful protest. What the collages are doing in fear of losing funding, allowing the false narratives from our representation to control them for Israels benefit, betraying their own societal missions, as the lack of our medias to confront this as they should be doing, there's no other term for it other than fascism. They're helping to support the fascist zionist genocide that the vast majority of the world population see it as.

Like with Ukraine, I was virtually a lone wolf on US social media speaking in opposition and exposing the real history and facts for nearly a year before others finally began educating themselves and putting the pieces together. With the Palestinian issue, it seemingly took collage students a few months to step up and be our hero's. Whether you see it yet or not, they are our hero's! Like Ukraine, eventually you put that puzzle together also. Unfortunately, like the Ukraine wars deception, the US citizenry is again shamefully late compared to the socialized protest going on in Europe. It's astounding how we have such a vast society that is entirely complacent in allowing illegal warring and crimes on humanity go on in our names and off our backs.

Here Are the Top Recipients of AIPAC Money

The most complete, up-to-date view of AIPAC PAC donations to congressional candidates.

Note---When you get to the list, notice there are 13 pages to the list. You have to click the arrow to scroll through it. If like me you've been wondering why Israel has such a grasp on our representation, especially now at this time as they'll willing to sell the students and us out along with the death and destruction of Palestinians and their homes, they need money to keep their power. Remember my earlier post. The collages have stock within the war machine and corporations, and have sold themselves off to the ruling class for donations. It simply exposes the multiple tiers of how our representation has been bought off. To dissent and oppose the crimes being committed, the probability of losing the other tiers is essentially automatic. Major ruling class donors have already threated to stop donating if the protest were allowed to continue. In other words. Everyone is forced to be compliant and complicit with the ruling class and their corporations crimes and unethical actions.

AIPAC PAC operates as a conduit that allows individual donors to earmark contributions to candidates of their choosing. By operating this way, the PAC is able to give donations to candidate committees that far exceed the $10,000 per year limit set by the FEC.


Joe Biden’s ‘Zionist Backlash’ Megadonor

Hedge fund billionaire CEO Seth Klarman, a major Democratic donor, has a long history of funding Israeli settler organizations and groups opposing pro-Palestine activists.

Many of the wealthy American donors to Zionist organizations that critics say have worked to undermine pro-Palestinian organizing and stamp out criticism of Israel have been aligned with the political right. Billionaire donor families such as the Bradleys, Adelsons, and Scaifes have poured millions of dollars into such groups over the years while simultaneously giving to Republican political campaigns and conservative think tanks. However, there is one major American donor to these groups that is deeply entrenched in the Democratic dark money network and has given millions to PACs backing President Joe Biden and other Democratic politicians.

Boston-based hedge fund billionaire Seth Klarman, the CEO of hedge fund The Baupost Group and the co-founder of Israeli newspaper the Times of Israel, has donated more than $19 million since the 2018 election cycle to Democratic super PACs, party organizations, and campaigns, according to records from the Federal Election Commission. So far this year, Klarman has donated $140,000 to Biden’s joint fundraising committee the Biden Action Fund, $1 million to a liberal super PAC called Republican Accountability PAC, $150,000 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, and thousands more to Democratic Senate and House candidates.

In a 2015 report, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN) identified the Klarman Family Foundation as one of the eleven major donors to what it called the “Zionist backlash” network in the U.S. The International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network says it is a group of Jews dedicated to the liberation of Palestinians. “Our commitment is to the dismantling of Israeli apartheid, the return of Palestinian refugees, and the ending of the Israeli colonization of historic Palestine,” the group’s charter states. IJAN defines Zionist backlash in its report as “a concerted campaign to stop any and all criticism of Israel,” and “eradicating any support of the Palestinian struggle.” In its report, IJAN names several Klarman Family Foundation grant recipients that it considers “Zionist backlash organizations,” including the Anti-Defamation League, Friends of the Israel Defense Forces, the Jewish National Fund, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, Stand With Us, the United Israel Appeal and the Zionist Organization of America.


These are the type of people who will make billions off the restructuring of the land stolen from the Palestinians. Illegal wars and genocide make the most profits for the capitalist. First for the corporations who will come in to clear out all the rubble and flatten it out, then the rebuilding. Generations of buried family members will be disrupted and desecrated, most likely as bodies are still decaying within the rubble. Profoundly sickening. I've seen reports going from 10 to 14 years to clear out the Gaza rubble. At some point the bones of the dead with simply become part of the earth as bulldozers perform the work.

CrossTalk: Controlling speech

Western elites endlessly declare they are virtuous because of their so-called values. The assault on Palestinians destroys the myth of these elites' virtue and reveals they have no values at all. You know this is the case when they say: 'I believe in free speech, except…'

Peter starts out with Lionel in the discussion. He's in what he has been referring to lately as the fish bowl. He's in NY. He's A lawyer. A conservative. A confused conservative lately. The title of this segment speaks for the narrative as I attempted to outline above. It's a great conversation.


William_Mary 8 May 5
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Posted by William_MaryA symptom of perception management. The program was completed when the vast amount of the American citizenship became compliant to the delivery of MSM information. []

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

Posted by KilltheskyfairyHappy Labor Day!

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Posted by KilltheskyfairyCorporate greed!

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