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Whistleblowers Further Expose Israel’s Torture of Detainees

The details provided to CNN are consistent with those that a doctor at the field hospital of the Sde Teiman prison camp included in a recent letter to top Israeli officials.

{Israeli officials don't care!}

Three Israeli whistleblowers who worked at the notorious Sde Teiman prison camp in the Negev desert offered horrifying accounts of the treatment of Palestinians held there, telling CNN that the facility’s doctors have amputated limbs due to handcuffing injuries, allowed detainees’ wounds to rot, and carried out vicious beatings.

{These are the same type of tactics Ukrainian fascist used on the civilians and Priest within the Donbass regions for 8 years before Russia finally came to their defense. Left hanging naked for days, beat, electrocuted, starved, blindfolded, water boarded, tortured by various means. Left in unsanitary meat lockers or closed rooms in cold conditions before and after. I shouldn't have to remind anyone of the crimes committed against Iraqi citizens by US troops in Iraq, and abroad, {CIA} as reports continuously came out for a number of years after the start of that war until gag orders were placed on the MSCMs.

In which we would usually only learn of later from independent news sources who actually go out and do the real investigative journalism afterwards. This is simply another example of hypocrisy and double standards of the west where what ever they falsely tell us what their manufactured enemies are doing are actually what they are doing. They can only give details of the actions of their manufactured enemies based off of how they conduct their own crimes. Every time they make false accusations against these enemies, it's later discovered that their sources have underlining interest from within collaborative NGOs, think tanks, or intelligence agencies out to develop false narratives.

Torture became acceptable! Just like their breaking of their own constitutions, human rights, civil rights, especially senses of democracy, international laws, GENOCIDE AND HISTORY. History which was again attacked this week in regards to Victory Day where they don't want the true history of WWll to be a topic of discussion ever again. As people across Europe were dispersed and or arrested for celebrating VD with Russia for simply displaying posters, shirts, and placing flowers at past monumental areas that had been ridiculously destroyed. Only to further the cancel culture of Russia who actually liberated their countries and concentration camps from the nazis. While fascism again runs amok in western societies within our own representation at the order of the international ruling class. It entirely exposes their own true fascist nature which is on steroids currently.

I'm actually surprised CNN wasn't able to keep this from the public. It's more likely they lost control of the sources and were forced to print. I expect some turbulence is coming down the road from this as the Israeli government will lash out with a PR stunt to refute the claims. Damage control towards losing funding is probably working 24/7 as we're learning of this. With both, Israel and the white house.}

A medic who worked at Sde Teiman’s field hospital said that Palestinian detainees there are stripped “of anything that resembles human beings” and that the harassment and torture are done not to “gather intelligence” but “out of revenge” for the Oct. 7 attacks.

{Again a mirroring of Ukraine in 2014 onward. The people of the Donbass regions were viewed and had been verbally berated with the same inhumane labels as Palestinians have faced now over several months. Video evidence of horrendous hate speech in both cases went as acceptable in 2014 towards the people of Donbass and now with Palestinians. Would not be used as pure examples of hate and the genocides that came with it.}

Al-Ran was held by Israeli forces for 44 days. Just before his release, he told CNN, “a fellow prisoner had called out to him, his voice barely rising above a whisper.”

According to CNN: “He asked the doctor to find his wife and kids in Gaza. ‘He asked me to tell them that it is better for them to be martyrs,’ said al-Ran. ‘It is better for them to die than to be captured and held here.'”

Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director of Human Rights Watch, said in response to the new reporting that “what we know about Gaza is only tip of the atrocity iceberg.”


Jake Johnson is one of the better writers at Common Dreams. I don't often go to CD anymore due to the divisional atmosphere there. It's like a Fox network mixed with an MSNBC network. It will rip your mind apart to a point of negative indoctrination in which either way it takes you is the wrong direction. In other words. Eventually you, if you aren't already, are going to be pulled into a rabbit hole of either the right or left unless you're awake enough to know better. Jake for the most part is unbiased to his political writings. He'll usually challenge both sides like it should be!

William_Mary 8 May 11
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I have never seen a more racist, viscous, out of control race than Israeli Jews. I trained with elite Israeli soldiers in the 80s and they were proud, loud, arrogant racists. I asked my command to send them home and was told we wouldn't do it and embarrass the Jewish military. Racists aren't that open and arrogant if their nation does not support it. Here is an example of how racist the Israel military is. It's disgusting the US supports a racist regime and these people have no worry about murdering those they have an excuse to murder. Mostly women and children are the dead, but a racist feels obligated to support all murder of innocents who are of the hated race. []


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