9 2

Who thinks the point system feels a little dumb

Severely hinders real users and can easily be worked around by malicious actors with multiple accounts.

Do you think the point system actually helps?

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Quinton95 2 Dec 17
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I think it works. It took me forever to get to level 6, I practically had a orgasm when I reached the threshold!😂😂 Come on level 7, I only have 9,9999 points to go!

Jewelee65 Level 6 Dec 23, 2021

I don't care either way. My one thing I don't care for is having to type at least 10 characters as a title before I can post something. Sometimes I just want the meme to speak for itself and don't care to add a comment. To actively rebel against this sometimes I type "ten characters" as the title just to show how silly it is.

Tejas Level 8 Dec 17, 2021

Or, just, *****...


After you have reached a certain number, it is pointless. 🙃 It does weed out some trolls and scammers who lose patients with it.

Sticks48 Level 9 Dec 17, 2021

I question religious type at first of their involvement on this site. Yet realize from being on other atheist forums. The cost of too much conflicts with the religious. It turns it to over focus on religion and not enough of other topics matters to discuss. Live and learning from all types, I can be free to swear here and show videos that often can't be shown on other types of forums.


Especially for newbies it's a good idea. After that, depends... I'd think multiple accounts just to try & 'play' the system is far more work than any potential return.
For most of us, we'd be doing what we're doing regardless of the points. I'm a bit over 8K away from Level 10 right now, so, just possibly before the end of the year, but likely not. I'll not worry about it. It'll come when it comes.

phxbillcee Level 10 Dec 17, 2021

You must be talking about the point system on I think it serves some benefit. It points out newbies so I can ignore their silly questions. It gives us something symbolic to compete about so we don't have to engage in real conflict. And it reminds me that I need to participate more if I'm ever going to see Level 9.

BitFlipper Level 8 Dec 17, 2021

What's "the point system" referring to? Ours?

Robecology Level 9 Dec 17, 2021

Agreed. I think it's stupid and I ignore it.

LovinLarge Level 8 Dec 17, 2021

It seems pointless, but after someone attains level 10 do you really want to take the achievement away?
Why? That seems pointless too?

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