5 2

I see a very dark world with Biden supporting the murdering of 20 thousand Palestinians. Twisted logic will not alter the truth; he wants to 'reduce' the murders-- but still go on with them. Will it turn supporters off from him? His support for 'Benny' is an unbelievably evil. It will give Trump an opportunity to win- then he will link up with the 'other' dictator- and that will be worse---the whole world could be at stake.

Diogenes 8 Dec 24
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Thay’re dealing with earth’s overpopulation; wish them well.

yvilletom Level 8 Jan 20, 2024

I've heard and read many voices who protest our "over-protective" POV towards Israel.

But it's a darker world if you support the terrorist "Hamas" behavior.

As an agnostic; I see the roots of their behavior; an overzealous, #religulous drive to populate...

I've also read that we give close to $6 million per day to support their Nuclear weapons...which is the basis for why Iran wanted Nukes.

Here's the source of the financial data...

Quote; " To date, the United States has provided Israel $158 billion (current, or non-
inflation-adjusted, dollars) in bilateral assistance and missile defense funding."



Robecology Level 9 Dec 29, 2023

The deaths of the Palestinians come from Hamas and the other terrorist groups (that use them as human shields) as much as from Israel. If you think Palestinians are oppressed, tell that to Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, and Egypt. Isis has its own women and children too, though they are fond of raping and kidnapping women too. Iran planned and owns this war (far more than Biden).

racocn8 Level 9 Dec 24, 2023

I never---at any time--- said that Hamas was 'good'. The murder of unarmed men, let alone women and children---- was COWARDLY. But what has that got to do with the genaside of 20 thousand Palistinians? ------Hypothetically, you live on a street and some nut murders 12 people (in today's sick world ,12 would be a small number); there is nothing wrong with killing you and everyone else on the street!!!!

Most of the Gazan Palestinians support the policy of genocide Hamas openly seeks. They support Hamas knowing full well that Hamas seeks a large body count on their own side. That is the choice they made.

The other Arab countries betrayed them many times before by not joining their cause, but they hope for a different outcome. They choose to lose their own instead of the peace and statehood they had. Instead they exchange their own lives for the brief celebration of a thousand dead Jews.

Tragically, they make that decision at the behest of Iran, who only has the same psychopathic hatred of Jews, but doesn't care about Palestinians except as proxies.

Great numbers of Palestinians have died at the hands of Jordan, Egypt and Syria, but genocide was never mentioned. That epithet is reserved for Israel and the Jews. If there were another way to degrade the threat, Israel would do it. Israelis regard the claim of genocide as an absurd insult like the claim of apartheid, and dismiss it just as quickly.


trump would have done the same.


Many of us have this fear but look at it another way. Biden can do nothing about this really, and neither could Trump.

DenoPenno Level 9 Dec 24, 2023

The only thing that Dump would do, is to see to it--- that more murders would take place.

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