7 5

One thing about Dumpy, he is 'industrious and doing his research.' He has IQ tests and job application tests. Because his objective is to tear the US and world apart, none of his appointees must be able to pass an average IQ test, and he is appointing only criminals and nut cases- like Kennedy who will take away vaccines.

Diogenes 8 Nov 18
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I love Biden's form, grinning like a Cheshire cat greeting Trump at the WH, then overturning a decision to attack Russia via Ukraine. What a bitter and vindictive demented old man he has become, a dead in the water admin.
If missiles were fired at the UK or USA, not by Russia but Russian supplied, targeted, guided and loaded, would the UK and USA consider themselves at war with Russia? Or would they accept it was done by a proxy third nation only so only blame them?
Russians are people and think the same as you and me. Biden just declared war between the US and Russia. It's not the ATACM's as such as they have been used by Ukraine previously. It is now they are used to target Russian soil and cannot be used without US "eyes only" technology.
Genocide Joe's parting gift.

puff Level 8 Nov 19, 2024

As vaccines Have only been around for at best 140 years, therefor man must only be 140 years old, how else could man have evolved without vaccination?

Do yourself a favor and look iino the world before vaccinations.
For one example, parents were routinely advised not to get too attached to infants as the death rate was Horrendous, in some cases they were advised to not even name young children as the chances of them making it to age 5 were dismal.

@annewimsey500 Yeah Nah. I agree vaccines are the Rolls Royce of medicines and they have benefitted society greatly. But we differ on what is classed as a vaccine. Also, better diet and hygiene also contributed to advance the last 140 odd years.
I saw an article yesterday how the Myan's in Sth America maintained a civilisation of 35 million way back when first discovered, when without vaccines. The irony of course is exposure to a new virus, the common cold, is what ended them so a vaccine might have been handy.
No effective vaccine has been developed for upper respiratory diseases. Not this article but fyi []
So yes vaccines are a good thing but not the be all and end all. Medical consensus is a naturally acquired immunity is far superior than an induced one via vaccination. So it's a risk Vs benefit thing eg the risk of "X" causing severe illness/ death is so great, that better not chance acquiring a natural immunity by catching it, instead better to induce an immunity instead via vaccination. Consent needed.

First vaccines have never been proven medically to work. Sorry they do generate great profits.
If you have any doubts
I can supply you the titles and details of my extensive library of text books , lecture notes and lecture videos as well as some more recent scientific and medical publications.
As my library is extensive, and you do the of reading, we can then enjoy a discussion and debate on equal terms. Yes???

@vocaloldfart ohfetpetessake, why not let's talk about smallpox, to narrow the field, or polio, which was a Real problem in my young years?


I aver to never having passed an IQ test.

Polemicist Level 7 Nov 18, 2024

Ditto. I think you have to take one first


To call Trump dumb is underestimating him and a mistake. He is a psychopath. He is not dumb at all intelligence wise. But he is totally stupid when it comes to emotional intelligence. What does this mean?

Like many with his condition he is charismatic but vain and susceptible to flattery. Everything is about him and he will act in self interest, a given. He won't hold grudges nor seek revenge, be eaten up by it. Because emotional memory is non existent, vengeful thoughts don't guide him and in the moment, he will act in self interest, dismissing past wrongs if it benefits him now.
His memory have no strong emotional ties, but neither does his foresight. He can logically predict consequences but outcomes are more often than not driven by emotion, things that do not even cross a psychopaths mind to consider. This is his greatest flaw, a lack of emotional foresight of what may occur, the consequences from his in the moment decisions.
His first term he surrounded himself with other self serving, narcy types, a problem with the current admin also. But one thing you can say about Gabbard and Kennedy, they have plenty of empathy and will be able to advise Trump well. A psychopath will understand emotional responses, the why, when explained. But they are incapable of contemplating it themselves due to being unable to employ empathy at all. But if explained logically, they will get it. Not so much Elon but what I have seen of Vance, he will be able to advise empathetically as well. The importance of Melania whispering in his ear as well to offer an empathetic view.
It's good he surrounds himself with better people this time it seems. It is what it is.

Kennedy will defend the Hippocratic Oath and informed choice for medical treatment. He will crack down on crap like covid boosters being tested on 12 rats only before being approved, mass produced and distributed with mandates.

puff Level 8 Nov 18, 2024

You are wise beyond your years.


Yeah we all know that Musk has a low IQ according to low IQ Nitwits like yourself 😂😂😂😂😂😂

granny Level 6 Nov 18, 2024

Ever heard the sayings , never throw stones while you are in a glasshouse??? what about It takes one to know one.
a psychological fact is that people will project onto other their own failings and undesirable traits.
Who is the nitwit then?


His idea of ''doing research'' is delegating that job to someone who'll scare the spit out of intelligent people. He reminds me of a four-year-old who drops his pants and says ''bad words'' in the room where his parents are entertaining guests. "LOOK AT MEEEE"

pamagain Level 8 Nov 18, 2024

Many of his picks are fine. I doubt you've done any research on any of them, you are just listening to what the media tells you. One of them Tulsi Gabbard is a former Democrat and veteran also a person of color.

Tejas Level 8 Nov 18, 2024

The thing I know about Trump picks for offices is that they seem to be geared towards Trump protecting himself. No crime in that. This time around we see less nepotism than before. At least so far. As for Kennedy heading up an agency about National Healthcare, just wait and see how this works. He may be antivaxx but that does not mean no vaccinations. Much of our senior healthcare is overkill right now. I'm sick and tired of all the "gotta change your healthcare provider" that goes on until December 7th, then they bombard you with this crap anyway. Maybe RFK will slow this down.

The bottom line on your healthcare is that your provider will keep you up to date so that you do not have to be concerned about these on TV idiots.

Well that’s good to hear, thanks. Don’t know much about his cabinet as we don’t get that in depth news in the UK.

@girlwithsmiles Unfortinately we get too much "American Republican/ Democrat religious instructions here in Australia parading as "news"

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