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Orchid Rock Rose! A couple months ago, @MarkWD responded to a photo of a Rock Rose (a Texas native) with his interest in Orchid Rock Rose. These were beautiful flowers and I particularly liked the Cistus purpureus or the Purple Orchid Rock Rose. The first pictures are from the internet. I looked and looked to find this variety, but every site that carried it was out of stock or had discontinued selling these plants. I even called a couple nursuries that one site said carried the Cistus plants but no one seemed to know what I was talking about. Then about 10 days ago, I see that not only was an Orchid Rock Rose available at The Greenhouse Nursury, but it was on sale to boot. With shipping, it was more expensive than most plants I would buy, but I bought it anyway. Well, the shipment came today and I'm thrilled. Below is a photo of it sitting on the box it came in. It got here so much quicker than other garden items I've ordered.

Also pictured is a bush I found for sale. I have wanted to start replacing the volunteer trees growing in the easement across the back of my yard. It's been a decent screen, but not particularly attractive. Since the power company has trimmed the centers from these trees, the side branches have grown much faster and are covering more of the back yard. They are strating to encroach on ths couple fruit trees I have planted back there. I've done a lot of research and a couple times thought I had found what I was looking for only to discover something about it that made it a poor selection. I ran across a bush that was the right height, would tolerate the soil conditions I have here, as well as the wet springtime and dry summers. It even produces a fruit said to be good for jams and jellies. It also have varigated yellow and green leave with silver dots. I was excited to find it in a book I bought, and was even more excited to find the plant at Lowe's. The last photos are of the Elaeagnus x ebbengii, variety Olive Martini.

RussRAB 8 Aug 1
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Boy, I thought I got alerts on all the posts in this group but apparently some slip by me. You grow quite a few. Is the bloom period very long? Mostly in spring isn't it?

MarkWD Level 7 Aug 10, 2020

My plant is the small one on top of the box. It hasn't had a cgance to bloom. The pictures of the blossoms are from the internet. Sorry if I didn't make that clear. I can't wait to see it in bloom next Spring.

I have to thank you for introducing this plant to me. I'm very excited to have it, and I'd not heard or seen it before.

@RussRAB Well we can exchange pictures of our first borns whenever that happens as I planted a couple too, though a different variety.

@MarkWD - sounds great. I'll look forward to seeing yours and sharing mine.


You may like this. Photographed growing wild in the Algarve region of Portugal back in March.

Fernapple Level 9 Aug 2, 2020

Those are beautiful. They look awfully similar too. All of the Orchid Rock Rose variety I came across were shrub-like. Do you recall if the flowers you ran across in Portugal was a shtub?

@RussRAB Yes they are all shrubs, this white species with the red spots is the most common in Portugal. It often forms heaths with the heather.


The 🐝 bees must love those flowers!

I don't know about the bees (that would be a plus) but I can hardly wait to see it bloom.


Love that blossom!


Such a nice plant!

Hathacat Level 9 Aug 1, 2020
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